Abbasi Asl, R.
Relationship between Dimensions of Family Communication, Pattern Emotional Intelligence, Academic Self-efficacy and Test Anxiety in First Grad High School Male Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 101-128]
Abbasi Bondaragh, S.
Relationship between 5th-scale Franticness (masculinity-femininity) in MMPI-2 and Antisocial Behaviors Hypochondrias [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Abdi, R.
Interactive Role of Psychological Capital and Organizational Identity on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Stress [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 155-171]
Abdolahi moghadam, M.
Prediction of Social Trust Based on Attachment Style and Big Five PersonalityTraits among Bu-Ali Sina Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Abdoli, Nasrin
Role of Academic Features and Gender in Variances of Spiritual Intelligence among Students in Amir Kabir University [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 141-159]
Abdollahnejad, Mohammadreza
Freud and Wittgenstein: A Methodological Comparison [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 119-140]
Abolgasem, A.
Efficacy of Social Problem-solving Training in Emotional Control of Abused Girls [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 193-209]
Afsharian, N.
Role of Socioeconomic Status and Quality of Parent Attachment in the Prediction of Behaviors in Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 29-48]
Ahmadi, Ommolbanin
Role of General Self-Efficacy and Masculity-Feminity Gender Roles in Psychological Hardiness [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 71-87]
Akbari, A.
Relationship between Dimensions of Family Communication, Pattern Emotional Intelligence, Academic Self-efficacy and Test Anxiety in First Grad High School Male Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 101-128]
Akhi, ozra
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills training in Trait and State Anxiety Symptoms in Type II Diabetics Patients [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 153-168]
Alaie, Parvaneh
Effectiveness of Shame Management Training Based on PEGS Program in Reducing Female Adolescents’ Bullying [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 1-23]
Aliakbari, Mahnaz
Relationship between of Resilience and Academic Achievement in Students with Hearing Impairement [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 119-133]
Alipour, Ahmad
Investigate the Relation of Handedness with Field Dependence and Field Independence Cognitive Styles [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 259-276]
Alizade, G.
Prediction of Social Trust Based on Attachment Style and Big Five PersonalityTraits among Bu-Ali Sina Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Alizadeh, Hamid
The Effectiveness of Combined Training Program (Direct Instruction and Phonological awareness) in Spelling Errors among Elementary Students with Spelling Learning Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 189-204]
Amani, Ahmad
Study of the Structural Relations of Early Maladaptive Schemas, Personality Factors and Marital Adjustment [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 45-70]
Aminabadi, Zahra
The Effectiveness of Combined Training Program (Direct Instruction and Phonological awareness) in Spelling Errors among Elementary Students with Spelling Learning Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 189-204]
Asadi, R
Role of Academic Features and Gender in Variances of Spiritual Intelligence among Students in Amir Kabir University [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 141-159]
Asadollahi, S.
Interactive Role of Psychological Capital and Organizational Identity on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Stress [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 155-171]
Aslanabadi, Naser
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Aslipour, Adeleh
The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Relationships Training in Friendliness and Self-esteem in Female Students [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 101-118]
Azadi, Z.
Relationship between 5th-scale Franticness (masculinity-femininity) in MMPI-2 and Antisocial Behaviors Hypochondrias [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Azizi, Arman
Study of the Structural Relations of Early Maladaptive Schemas, Personality Factors and Marital Adjustment [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 45-70]
Babapour, Jalil
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Babaykhakian, Zeinab
Relationship between Alxithymia, Personality Characteristics and Burnout in Female Teachers [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 1-20]
Badri, Rahim
Comparison of Development of Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking and Irrational of Female Adolescents in Tabriz High School [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 129-151]
Badri, Rahim
Relationship between Emotional Control and Procrastination in High School Students [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 169-184]
Badriazarin, Yaghoub
Relationship between Knowledge Management and Self-efficacy among Physical Education Students of University of Tabriz [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 185-209]
Baharlou, M.
Relationship between Workplace Ostracism and Job Outcomes: Moderating role of Psychological Capital [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 173-192]
Bahrami, Hadi
The Role of LVEF, Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with CAD: Mediating Role of Illness Perceptions and Positive/Negative Affect [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 53-77]
Bahrami Ehsan, Hadi
The Moderating Role of Metacognitive Beliefs and Deficit in Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Relationship between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Worry in Patients with Obsessive-compulsive Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 1-24]
Bakhshi Barzili, Mahboob
Relationship between Young’s Early Maladaptive Schema and Profile of SCL-90-R Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 21-48]
Bakhshipour, Abbas
Freud and Wittgenstein: A Methodological Comparison [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 119-140]
Bakhshipour, Abbas
Comparison of Sex Offenders’ Theory of Mind with Normal Individuals: Study Based on Ward and Keenan’s Global and Specific Theory of Mind [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 89-107]
Bakhshipour, Abbas
Relationship between Young’s Early Maladaptive Schema and Profile of SCL-90-R Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 21-48]
Baradaran, Majid
Psychological Correlates of Organizational Health: Happiness, Coping Strategies in Psychological Stress and Thinking Style [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 135-148]
Baradaran, Majid
Comparison of Irrational Beliefs, Social Support and Type A Personality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 211-224]
Behzadi, Behnaz
Relationship between Family coherence and Flexibility and Identity Style by Mediating Role of Metacognitive State in Female Students [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 49-74]
Besharat, Mohammad ali
The Moderating Role of Metacognitive Beliefs and Deficit in Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Relationship between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Worry in Patients with Obsessive-compulsive Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 1-24]
Beshlideh, K.
Relationship between Workplace Ostracism and Job Outcomes: Moderating role of Psychological Capital [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 173-192]
Beyrami, Mansour
Effectiveness of Shame Management Training Based on PEGS Program in Reducing Female Adolescents’ Bullying [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 1-23]
Beyrami, Mansour
Relationship between Emotional Control and Procrastination in High School Students [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 169-184]
Cherag Mollaie, leila
Relationship between Attachment Style, Perfectionism and Quality of Frindship in Students in Emerging Adulthood [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 79-99]
Dehbashi, Masoumeh
The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Relationships Training in Friendliness and Self-esteem in Female Students [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 101-118]
Delavar, A
Role of Academic Features and Gender in Variances of Spiritual Intelligence among Students in Amir Kabir University [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 141-159]
Ebrahimi, Leila
Role of Personality and Emotional Intelligence on Perceived Stress among Employees of Motogen Company [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 25-44]
Eisanejad, Omid
Study of the Structural Relations of Early Maladaptive Schemas, Personality Factors and Marital Adjustment [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 45-70]
Erfani, Nasrollah
Investigate the Relation of Handedness with Field Dependence and Field Independence Cognitive Styles [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 259-276]
Eskandarian, N.
The Investigation of Barriers Stock in Connection to Critical Thinking in the Curriculum of Vocational Education [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 129-154]
Esmaeilpour, Khalil
Role of Personality and Emotional Intelligence on Perceived Stress among Employees of Motogen Company [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 25-44]
Eynipour, Javad
Relationship between Emotional Control and Procrastination in High School Students [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 169-184]
Ezzati, Davod
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Fathiazar, Eskandar
Effectiveness of Shame Management Training Based on PEGS Program in Reducing Female Adolescents’ Bullying [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 1-23]
Fathiazar, Eskandar
Comparison of Development of Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking and Irrational of Female Adolescents in Tabriz High School [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 129-151]
Firozian, Abdollah
Comparison of Sex Offenders’ Theory of Mind with Normal Individuals: Study Based on Ward and Keenan’s Global and Specific Theory of Mind [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 89-107]
Froghiasl, Ramin
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Ghaffari, E.
Role of Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation and Perceived Social Support in the Prediction of Academic Achievement among Second Grade High school Female Student [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 49-72]
Gharabeghlou, H.
The Investigation of Barriers Stock in Connection to Critical Thinking in the Curriculum of Vocational Education [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 129-154]
Golparvar, Mohsen
Prediction of Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict through Happiness at Work and Organizational Commitment [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 167-185]
Hakimirad, Elham
The Effectiveness of Combined Training Program (Direct Instruction and Phonological awareness) in Spelling Errors among Elementary Students with Spelling Learning Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 189-204]
Hashemi, S.
Relationship between Dimensions of Family Communication, Pattern Emotional Intelligence, Academic Self-efficacy and Test Anxiety in First Grad High School Male Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 101-128]
Hashemi, Soheila
Role of General Self-Efficacy and Masculity-Feminity Gender Roles in Psychological Hardiness [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 71-87]
Hashemi, Touraj
Effectiveness of Shame Management Training Based on PEGS Program in Reducing Female Adolescents’ Bullying [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 1-23]
Hashemi, Touraj
Effect of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Treatment on the Continuance of Caregiving Behaviors in Mothers of Children with Chronic Illness [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 187-201]
Hatami, Javad
The Role of LVEF, Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with CAD: Mediating Role of Illness Perceptions and Positive/Negative Affect [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 53-77]
Hatamloy, Monijeh
Comparison of Sex Offenders’ Theory of Mind with Normal Individuals: Study Based on Ward and Keenan’s Global and Specific Theory of Mind [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 89-107]
Heshmati, Rasoul
The Role of LVEF, Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with CAD: Mediating Role of Illness Perceptions and Positive/Negative Affect [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 53-77]
Heydarzadeh, M.
Comparison of Depression in Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 73-85]
Hosseini asl, Maryam
Comparison of Development of Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking and Irrational of Female Adolescents in Tabriz High School [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 129-151]
Iranpour, Maryam
Prediction of Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict through Happiness at Work and Organizational Commitment [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 167-185]
Jamshidi, Behnam
Role of Behavioral Activation-inhibition Systems in Predicting Achievement Goal Orientations among college Students [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 109-128]
Javadi, Amirreza
Relationship between Attachment Style, Perfectionism and Quality of Frindship in Students in Emerging Adulthood [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 79-99]
Joki, Mahnaz
Comparison of Irrational Beliefs, Social Support and Type A Personality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 211-224]
Kafi, Mousa
The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Relationships Training in Friendliness and Self-esteem in Female Students [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 101-118]
Karami, Jahangir
Relationship between Alxithymia, Personality Characteristics and Burnout in Female Teachers [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 1-20]
Karimi, Behroz
The Effectiveness of Combined Training Program (Direct Instruction and Phonological awareness) in Spelling Errors among Elementary Students with Spelling Learning Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 189-204]
Kazemzadeh, M.
Interactive Role of Psychological Capital and Organizational Identity on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Stress [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 155-171]
Khajepour, N.
Relationship between Workplace Ostracism and Job Outcomes: Moderating role of Psychological Capital [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 173-192]
Khalili, Vahideh
Relationship between Attachment Style, Perfectionism and Quality of Frindship in Students in Emerging Adulthood [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 79-99]
Khanjani, Zeinab
Effect of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Treatment on the Continuance of Caregiving Behaviors in Mothers of Children with Chronic Illness [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 187-201]
Khanjani, Zeinab
Comparison of Sex Offenders’ Theory of Mind with Normal Individuals: Study Based on Ward and Keenan’s Global and Specific Theory of Mind [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 89-107]
Khosravi, Zohreh
Relationship between Attachment Style, Perfectionism and Quality of Frindship in Students in Emerging Adulthood [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 79-99]
Kiani, M.
Compression of Emotional Reaction between Family of Children with & without Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 13-27]
Kimiaee, S.A.
Relationship between 5th-scale Franticness (masculinity-femininity) in MMPI-2 and Antisocial Behaviors Hypochondrias [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 1-12]
Mansouri, Parinaz
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Modification in School Refusal Behavior among Female Students: A Single- Subject Study [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 205-234]
Mashinchi, Naeimeh
Effect of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Treatment on the Continuance of Caregiving Behaviors in Mothers of Children with Chronic Illness [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 187-201]
Mehdad, Ali
Prediction of Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict through Happiness at Work and Organizational Commitment [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 167-185]
Mikaeeli, Esmat
Relationship between Young’s Early Maladaptive Schema and Profile of SCL-90-R Symptoms [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 21-48]
Mirghafourvand, M.
Comparison of Depression in Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 73-85]
Mirjalili, Roghayyeh
The Moderating Role of Metacognitive Beliefs and Deficit in Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Relationship between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Worry in Patients with Obsessive-compulsive Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 1-24]
Mirza Ahmadi, F.
Comparison of Depression in Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 73-85]
Mirzaian, Bahram
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills training in Trait and State Anxiety Symptoms in Type II Diabetics Patients [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 153-168]
Mohammadi, Leila
Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and High-risk Behaviors by Mediating Perceived Social Support [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 161-187]
Montazernia, Bahareh
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills training in Trait and State Anxiety Symptoms in Type II Diabetics Patients [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 153-168]
Moradi, S.
Efficacy of Social Problem-solving Training in Emotional Control of Abused Girls [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 193-209]
Mosavi, S.H.
Relationship between Workplace Ostracism and Job Outcomes: Moderating role of Psychological Capital [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 173-192]
Nazarian, Belal
Psychological Correlates of Organizational Health: Happiness, Coping Strategies in Psychological Stress and Thinking Style [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 135-148]
Nejati, Yashar
Relationship between Knowledge Management and Self-efficacy among Physical Education Students of University of Tabriz [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 185-209]
Nikomohammadi, Najmeh
The Effectiveness of Combined Training Program (Direct Instruction and Phonological awareness) in Spelling Errors among Elementary Students with Spelling Learning Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 189-204]
Nozohor, Yousef
Freud and Wittgenstein: A Methodological Comparison [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 119-140]
Panahali, Amir
Comparison of Emotional Quotient in Women Asking for Divorce and Non-divorced Ones in Tabriz [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 257-280]
Parnak, Jahangir
Relationship between Organizational Trust and Organizational Innovativeness Perspective among Teachers [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 75-97]
Purshahriar, Hossein
Prediction of Marital Satisfaction Level of Female Students based on Attachment Styles: Comparing the Power of Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Networks [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 99-117]
Rahimi, Reza
Investigate the Relation of Handedness with Field Dependence and Field Independence Cognitive Styles [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 259-276]
Rahimi, Reza
Relationship between of Resilience and Academic Achievement in Students with Hearing Impairement [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 119-133]
Rahmani, Soudeh
Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and High-risk Behaviors by Mediating Perceived Social Support [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 161-187]
Rahmanian, Z.
Compression of Emotional Reaction between Family of Children with & without Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 13-27]
Rahmati, F.
Role of Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation and Perceived Social Support in the Prediction of Academic Achievement among Second Grade High school Female Student [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 49-72]
Ranjbar, Farzaneh
Comparison of Irrational Beliefs, Social Support and Type A Personality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 211-224]
Ranjbar, M.
Comparison of Depression in Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 73-85]
Rashidi, Alireza
Relationship between Alxithymia, Personality Characteristics and Burnout in Female Teachers [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 1-20]
Rastghar, Leila
Effect of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Treatment on the Continuance of Caregiving Behaviors in Mothers of Children with Chronic Illness [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 187-201]
Rouhani, Sahar
Freud and Wittgenstein: A Methodological Comparison [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 119-140]
Sabourimoghaddam, Hasan
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Sadeghi, Babak
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Sadeghian, Saeid
The Role of LVEF, Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with CAD: Mediating Role of Illness Perceptions and Positive/Negative Affect [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 53-77]
Shalchi, Behzad
Effect of Stressful Stimulus on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Patients with Cardiorascular Disease in Comparison with Healthy Subjects Based on Emotion Seeking Levels [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 149-165]
Sheikholeslami, Razieh
Role of Behavioral Activation-inhibition Systems in Predicting Achievement Goal Orientations among college Students [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 109-128]
Tamannaeifar, Mohammadreza
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Self-efficancy, Social Support and Adjustment in Students [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 25-52]
Tanha, Zahra
Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and High-risk Behaviors by Mediating Perceived Social Support [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 161-187]
Vahedi, Shahram
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Modification in School Refusal Behavior among Female Students: A Single- Subject Study [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 205-234]
Vahedi, Shahram
Relationship between Emotional Control and Procrastination in High School Students [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 169-184]
Yadollahi, Sara
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills training in Trait and State Anxiety Symptoms in Type II Diabetics Patients [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 153-168]
Yaghoobi, A.
Prediction of Social Trust Based on Attachment Style and Big Five PersonalityTraits among Bu-Ali Sina Students [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 87-100]
Yaghubi, Hamid
Comparison of Irrational Beliefs, Social Support and Type A Personality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Normal People [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2015, Pages 211-224]
Yarmohammadzadeh, Peyman
Mediating Role of Job Involvement in Relationship between Job Characteristics and Commitment of Personnel in Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 203-225]
Yavari, Yousef
Validation of Persian Version of Automatic Self-Talk Questionnaire for Sports (ASTQS) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 235-256]
Yazdani, Azar
Comparison of Emotional Quotient in Women Asking for Divorce and Non-divorced Ones in Tabriz [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 257-280]
Yazdani, M.
Comparison of Depression in Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 73-85]
Yeganeh, T.
Efficacy of Social Problem-solving Training in Emotional Control of Abused Girls [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2016, Pages 193-209]
Zare, Hossein
Psychological Correlates of Organizational Health: Happiness, Coping Strategies in Psychological Stress and Thinking Style [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2015, Pages 135-148]
Zareh, Hossein
Investigate the Relation of Handedness with Field Dependence and Field Independence Cognitive Styles [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2015, Pages 259-276]
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