Comparison of Sex Offenders’ Theory of Mind with Normal Individuals: Study Based on Ward and Keenan’s Global and Specific Theory of Mind

Document Type : Research Paper



Previous work in the area of sexual offending has suggested that factors such as intimacy deficits, problems of empathizing with victim and cognitive distortions have all been associated with the genesis and maintenance of sexual abuse. The purpose of this study was to examine global and specific deficit theory of mind in sex offenders (rapist and child molester). 60 incarcerated sex offenders (30 rapist, 30 child molesters), and 60 control group participated in this study.
TOM was assessed by eye’s task and specific TOM was evaluated by sex offenders’ cognitive distortions questionnaire. Results showed that sex offenders exhibited more impairments in global and specific TOM, which was statistically significant. Besides, there was no significant difference between rapists and child molesters in terms of global TOM however, there was significance in terms of specific TOM between both groups, which suggests more Hence, it could be proposed that problems of sex offenders in intimacy, empathy, and cognitive distortions result from deficit in theory of Mind.
