Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management on Self-Efficacy and Academic adjustment Female students [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 76-87]
Abdi, Rasool
Relationship between behavioral types and investment decisions mediated by self-efficacy [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 115-130]
Abdi, Reza
Effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on temptation and impulsivity of opiate addicts [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 198-208]
Abedi, Mohammad Reza
Comparing the Effectiveness of Meta-cognitive therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depression, Resilience and Quality of life in a Depressed divorced Women [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 203-217]
Abolghasemi, Abbas
Predicting Bullying based on Personality Traits, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance in Students [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 131-148]
Abolhasan shirazi, Habibollah
The study of the impact of modernism on the intellectual changes of Kasravi and Taqizadeh on the basis of hermeneutical foundations and psychology of Horney's personality* [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 157-169]
Aghajani, Vahdat
Relationship between behavioral types and investment decisions mediated by self-efficacy [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 115-130]
Aghdasi, Ali naghi
Effectiveness of Self-awareness-based Spirituality Therapy on Psychological Well-being and self-assertiveness among First Year Boy Students of Secondary School [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 30-48]
Aghighi, Arash
Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Group Therapy on symptom reduction and quality of life in individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 59-79]
Ahmadi, Ezzatollah
The Mediating Role of Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs in Relationship Between family functioning and Socioeconomic Status With Addictibility of Young People [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 34-49]
Ahmadzadeh Beheshti, Sonia
Investigating the effect of plants using in the educational and play environment on creativity improvement of child [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 127-141]
Ahrari, Ghafour
Students' Psychosocial profiles at Saqqez's deprived urban areas and their differences based on school satisfaction: a person based analysis [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 44-58]
Alipour, Ahmad
The Incremental Effect of Combining Mindfulness-based Relaxation (MBR) Trainings and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tCES) on Decreasing Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Patients with Diabetes 2 [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 109-126]
Alizadeh Ajirlo, Saadollah
Investigating the effect of plants using in the educational and play environment on creativity improvement of child [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 127-141]
Azizi, Arman
Comparing the Effectiveness of Meta-cognitive therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depression, Resilience and Quality of life in a Depressed divorced Women [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 203-217]
Babapour, Jalil
Investigating the effect of plants using in the educational and play environment on creativity improvement of child [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 127-141]
Badri Gargari, Rahim
Students' Psychosocial profiles at Saqqez's deprived urban areas and their differences based on school satisfaction: a person based analysis [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 44-58]
Bahalouei, Zohreh
Theoretical and Applied Considerations in Persian Verbal Fluency Task: A Systematic Review [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 49-71]
The effectiveness of group gestalt therapy on Anxiety sensitivity, Rumination, Panic Disorder of women with panic disorder. [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 1-13]
Dastbaaz, Anvar
Comparing the Effectiveness of Meta-cognitive therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depression, Resilience and Quality of life in a Depressed divorced Women [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 203-217]
Eghbali, Ali
The effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy on expressed emotion of mothers of children with intellectual disabilities: A randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 156-168]
Ekhtiari, Hamed
Theoretical and Applied Considerations in Persian Verbal Fluency Task: A Systematic Review [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 49-71]
Esmaeili Shahna, Masoumeh
The Mediating Role of Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs in Relationship Between family functioning and Socioeconomic Status With Addictibility of Young People [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 34-49]
Esmaeilpour, Khalil
Effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on temptation and impulsivity of opiate addicts [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 198-208]
Farzin, Samira
InhibitingFactors of Achievement Emotions in Graduate Students (Based on the Role of Perceived Academic Control, , Cognitive Appraisal of Academic Stress,
Perceived Cost-Benefit, and Perceived Social Support) [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 1-17]
Fathi-Azar, Eskandar
The Effectiveness of Time Management Training on Academic and Behavioral Outcomes of Sixth Grade Elementary Students in Tabriz Province [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 26-43]
Fathi-Azar, Eskandar
Students' Psychosocial profiles at Saqqez's deprived urban areas and their differences based on school satisfaction: a person based analysis [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 44-58]
Ghanbari panah, Afsane
Evaluation of the structural model of Psychological capital based on personality traits (neuroticism, flexibility, and consistency) with a mediating role of problematic coping strategies [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 170-185]
Gholamian, Faezeh
Relationship between Insecure Attachment Styles and Depression among Psychiatric Disorder inpatients: Mediating Roles of Rumination and Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 156-168]
Hami, Ahmad
Investigating the effect of plants using in the educational and play environment on creativity improvement of child [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 127-141]
Hamid, Najmeh
The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Fear of Childbirth and Causes of Fear of Childbirth in Primiparous Women [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 88-100]
Hashemi, Touraj
Preparation of a school-based psycho-educational package and its effect on the psychological distress of 12th grade girls [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 1-10]
Hoseini nasab, Davoud
The Relationship between Sense of Coherence, Self-Compassion and Academic Well-being: the Mediating role of Emotional Self-awareness [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 18-31]
Hosseini, Saleh
Comparing the Effectiveness of Meta-cognitive therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depression, Resilience and Quality of life in a Depressed divorced Women [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 203-217]
Imani, Mahdi
Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Group Therapy on symptom reduction and quality of life in individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 59-79]
Imanparvar, Soheila
Preparation of a school-based psycho-educational package and its effect on the psychological distress of 12th grade girls [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 1-10]
Izanlou, Belal
Comparing Psychometric Properties of Lower Asymptote Three-Parameter Logistic model (3PL), Upper asymptote 3PLu model and both asymptotes (4PL) based on University Entrance Exam Data [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 50-66]
Javanmard, Gholam Hossein
The Incremental Effect of Combining Mindfulness-based Relaxation (MBR) Trainings and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tCES) on Decreasing Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Patients with Diabetes 2 [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 109-126]
Khosrojavid, Mahnaz
Predicting Bullying based on Personality Traits, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance in Students [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 131-148]
Kimiaei, Seyed Ali
Construct Validity and Item-Response Characteristics of the Satisfaction with Relationship Status Scale (ReSta) [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 140-156]
Koushki, Shirin
Evaluation of the structural model of Psychological capital based on personality traits (neuroticism, flexibility, and consistency) with a mediating role of problematic coping strategies [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 170-185]
Livarjani, Sholeh
The Relationship between Sense of Coherence, Self-Compassion and Academic Well-being: the Mediating role of Emotional Self-awareness [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 18-31]
Mahmood Alilou, Majid
The Role of Self-blame and Other-blame Strategies on the Symptoms of Internet Addiction by the Mediation of Anxiety [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 11-25]
Mardani, Maryam
The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Fear of Childbirth and Causes of Fear of Childbirth in Primiparous Women [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 88-100]
Mashinchi Abbasi, Naimeh
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Three Presentations or not? SCT: Another Presentation of ADHD [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 19-33]
Mirnasab, Mirmahmoud
Students' Psychosocial profiles at Saqqez's deprived urban areas and their differences based on school satisfaction: a person based analysis [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 44-58]
Mohammadi, Nurallah
Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Group Therapy on symptom reduction and quality of life in individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 59-79]
Mohammadi, Rogayeh
The Incremental Effect of Combining Mindfulness-based Relaxation (MBR) Trainings and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tCES) on Decreasing Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Patients with Diabetes 2 [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 109-126]
Mohammadloo, Javaad
Comparing Psychometric Properties of Lower Asymptote Three-Parameter Logistic model (3PL), Upper asymptote 3PLu model and both asymptotes (4PL) based on University Entrance Exam Data [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 50-66]
Mohammadpour, Mohammad
- [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 1-18]
Najafi, Mahmood
- [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 1-18]
Narimani, Mohammad
Preparation of a school-based psycho-educational package and its effect on the psychological distress of 12th grade girls [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 1-10]
Narimani, Mohammad
Relationship between behavioral types and investment decisions mediated by self-efficacy [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 115-130]
Nasiri, Mohammad
Predicting the obsessive – compulsive disorder and phobias based on components of disgust sensitivity [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 142-155]
Niknam, Mandana
Communication skills and marital satisfaction: considering the moderating role of addiction to virtual social networks [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 80-96]
Panah ali, Amir
Effectiveness of Self-awareness-based Spirituality Therapy on Psychological Well-being and self-assertiveness among First Year Boy Students of Secondary School [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 30-48]
Parpaee, Rozita
The Causal model fitness for the Prediction of Marital Satisfaction based on Attachment Style and Personality trait by Mediating Couple’s Effective Communication in women [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 117-130]
Rafinia, Parvin
- [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 1-18]
Rezapour Mirsaleh, Yasser
Structural Modelling of the Relationship between Mindfulness, Self-Determination, Self-Compassion and Alexithymia in Girl Students Engaged in Self-Injury [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 149-169]
Sabahi, Parviz
- [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 1-18]
Sadeghi, Masoud
Effectiveness of the Newly Developed Treatment Contrast avoidance of worry and Emotion-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Affective control in Women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 62-75]
Saffarinia, Majid
Effectiveness of Quality-based Therapy and Emotion-based Therapy in Psychological well-being of Patients with Type 2 diabetes [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 44-61]
Safi, Mohammad Hadi
Structural Modelling of the Relationship between Mindfulness, Self-Determination, Self-Compassion and Alexithymia in Girl Students Engaged in Self-Injury [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 149-169]
Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management on Self-Efficacy and Academic adjustment Female students [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 76-87]
Sanoubar, Naser
Relationship between Transformational, Leadership Psychological Capital and Job Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Work Engagement among Nurses [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 32-43]
Shalchi, Behzad
The Mediating Role of Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs in Relationship Between family functioning and Socioeconomic Status With Addictibility of Young People [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2020, Pages 34-49]
Shiri, Ali
The Role of Self-blame and Other-blame Strategies on the Symptoms of Internet Addiction by the Mediation of Anxiety [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 11-25]
Taklavi, Somayeh
Preparation of a school-based psycho-educational package and its effect on the psychological distress of 12th grade girls [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 1-10]
Tanhaye Reshvanloo, Farhad
Construct Validity and Item-Response Characteristics of the Satisfaction with Relationship Status Scale (ReSta) [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2020, Pages 140-156]
Tekmedash, Younes Nikkhah
Relationship between Transformational, Leadership Psychological Capital and Job Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Work Engagement among Nurses [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 32-43]
Yaarmohammadi vasel, Mosaieb
The Effect of Self-Compassion Training on Marital Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction in Married Female [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 101-114]
Yazdi, Mashaallah
Effectiveness of Quality-based Therapy and Emotion-based Therapy in Psychological well-being of Patients with Type 2 diabetes [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 44-61]
Zare, Hossein
The Incremental Effect of Combining Mindfulness-based Relaxation (MBR) Trainings and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tCES) on Decreasing Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Patients with Diabetes 2 [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 109-126]
Zare, Hussein
Effectiveness of Quality-based Therapy and Emotion-based Therapy in Psychological well-being of Patients with Type 2 diabetes [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2021, Pages 44-61]
Zarean, Mostafa
Theoretical and Applied Considerations in Persian Verbal Fluency Task: A Systematic Review [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2020, Pages 49-71]
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