
Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Psychology, Semnan University,

2 PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Semnan University.

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Semnan University.

4 PhD, Associat Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Semnan University.


The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy (MBCT) in comparison with acceptance and commitment-based therapy (ACT) in improving the quality of life and its components in epileptic patients. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental group of experimental and control groups with pre-test and post-test with follow-up period. The statistical population of this study consisted of all patients with focal epilepsy living in East Azerbaijan who referred to the medical centers of the province from the beginning of the year to the end of January 2016. Using available and multicenter sampling, 40 patients were selected from the medical centers and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group by matching in terms of age, sex and education. Patients replaced in experimental and control groups, in three shifts; That is, they completed the Weir and Sherborne Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF-36) before and after the MBCT and ACT interventions. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance showed that mindfulness-based therapy (MBCT) is more effective in improving quality of life and its components in epileptic patients compared to acceptance and commitment-based therapy (ACT). People with epilepsy use MBCT techniques to learn not to look at negative thoughts and rumination as a reflection of reality, but instead to see them as simple mental events that come and go so that they can move between them. Thoughts and themselves create faults and decentralization of thoughts occurs. With this trick, the person gets rid of negative thoughts and the anxiety caused by the recurrence of epileptic seizures improves and avoidance behaviors are reduced. Therefore, it is expected that the quality of life of the person will improve and the patient will be able to effectively adapt to the disease and the conditions that have occurred.


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