The study of the impact of modernism on the intellectual changes of Kasravi and Taqizadeh on the basis of hermeneutical foundations and psychology of Horney's personality*

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.d Associate Professor , Political Science Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.d student , department of Iran's issuses ,faculty of political sciences, Islamic Azad University , central Tehran branch,Tehran ,Iran.

3 Ph.d assistant Professor , Political Science Department, , Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch,Tehran, Iran



Iran's exposure to modernity has always been one of the controversial debates over recent decades in Iran's intellectual atmosphere. These discussions can be examined and analyzed from different angles by creating different perspectives among intellectuals. The atmosphere of the nineteenth century, the infiltration and breach of modernity in Iran, has been associated with many intellectual challenges, without considering internal issues. The challenge with traditional Islamists and Iranian nationalism has caused some traditional people such as Seyyed Ahmad Kasravi and Seyed Hassan Taghizadeh, both of the traditional clerics, to undergo a profound dissent. The present article responds to the causes and factors of this dissent. It will test the hypothesis that environmental conditions, unhealthy family education, and some of the traditionalistic prejudice of the traditionalists, and the lack of ideas and new ideas in those circumstances, led to dissent, and later even the struggle against the Islamists among them.
In this article, the character of both thinkers and the causes and factors of changing their thoughts from two aspects of hermeneutics and psychology of personality are carefully examined.

Key words: Islamic, Modernity, Nationalism, Kasravi and Taghizadeh, Hermeneutics, Horniya


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