Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Group Therapy on symptom reduction and quality of life in individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student / university of Tabriz

2 Professor of psychology, Department of clinical psychology, Faculty of Educational science and psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of psychology, Department of clinical psychology, Faculty of Educational science and psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


Introduction: People with Illness Anxiety Disorder experience excessive worry and poor quality of life. The aim of the present study is to examine Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Group Therapy on symptom reduction and quality of life in individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder. This is an experimental study with pre-test and post-test design and control group. Population of the of the present study was All people with panic disorder in Shiraz city in 1398 who went to the psychiatric clinics of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. The sample was 18 people with Illness Anxiety Disorder who were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group.
Method: The subjects in the experimental group and the control group were assessed in both pre-test and post-test periods using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5, Anxiety and Related Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-5 and The World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire.
Results: results showed that Group format of Emotion Regulation Therapy significantly Improve Symptoms of anxiety and quality of life of individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder.
Conclusion: Emotion Regulation Therapy throughout using Body scan mindfulness technique, Awareness of physical senses and breathe technique, and also intervention in worry and emotion regulation construct which Known as mediators in the treatment of many disorders, significantly Improve symptoms and quality of life of people with Illness Anxiety Disorder.


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