Abbaszadeh, Mirmohammad
[Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 95-115]
Abbsi Bourondaragh, Sakineh
Investigation and Comparison of Effectiveness of Integrative-behavior and Cognitive-behavior of Couple Therapy on Communicational Beliefs of Couples Who Want to Divorce [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 53-71]
Abdi, Reza
Efficacy Evaluation of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment in Symptoms Reduction of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a Comorbid Emotional Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 41-74]
Adib, Yousef
Effective of Strategic Training of Thinking on Critical Thinking in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 195-216]
Ahmadi, Parichehr
Evaluation the Relationship between EEG Pattern and Overt Aggressive Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 1-12]
Ahmadi, Vahid
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 1-23]
Ahmadi, Vahid
Examining Simple and Multiple Relationships of Autistic Spectrum Traits and Obsessive-compulsive between the Girl Students of Secondary School in Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-19]
Akhlaghi Nia, Kobra
Relation of Achievement Goal Orientation and Shyness with Avoidance of Help-Seeking [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 1-19]
Aliakbari Dehkurdi, Mahnaz
The Effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy with Old People (CBTO) on General Health Parameters in Patients who Suffered from Parkinson Disease [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Alikhani, Mostafa
The Relationship between Eysenck Personality Characteristics and Resiliency with Attitude to toward Suicide among Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 149-182]
Alipour, Ahmad
The Effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy with Old People (CBTO) on General Health Parameters in Patients who Suffered from Parkinson Disease [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Arshadi, Nasrin
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 1-23]
Asadi, Masoud
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy on Irrational Beliefs in High School Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 159-174]
Asadnia, Saeed
Effectiveness of Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on the Improvement of Migraine Headache in Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 35-52]
Asadol’lah Pour, Amin
Motivational Manipulation Effect on Sensitivity and Response Bias on Risky as Compared with Conservative People: A Signal Detection Theory Based Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 175-200]
Asgari Nekah, Mohsen
The Effects of Self-regulation Training on Preschoolers Problem Solving [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 113-133]
Azimi Yancheshmeh, Kowsar
Attribution Style and High-risk Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 77-96]
Babaee, Safura
Working Memory in ADHD Subtypes: Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Study [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 123-147]
Babapour Kheraddin, Jalil
Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior and Mood Instability Measures of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 75-88]
Badri-gargari, Rahim
Effective of Strategic Training of Thinking on Critical Thinking in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 195-216]
Bakhshipour Roodsari, Abbas
Efficacy Evaluation of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment in Symptoms Reduction of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a Comorbid Emotional Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 41-74]
Barghi Irani, Ziba
The Effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy with Old People (CBTO) on General Health Parameters in Patients who Suffered from Parkinson Disease [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Bazdar, fatemeh
Comparing of Thinking Styles, Attributional Styles,Optimisim and Pessimism in People with OCD (Obsessive Compulsibe Disorder)and Normal [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 21-39]
Beirami, Mansour
The Comparison of Forgiveness in War Veteams with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Their Wives and Normal Individuals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 13-28]
Beirami, Naser
The Comparison of Social Competence and Academic Self Efficacy of Special Needs Students in Three Methods of Integrational, Exceptional and Normal Education [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 205-224]
Beyrami, Mansour
Effectiveness of Self Regulation Training on Improvement of and Executive Functions Reading Performance in Dyslexic [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 43-66]
Bighdeli, Imanollah
Relation of Achievement Goal Orientation and Shyness with Avoidance of Help-Seeking [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 1-19]
Biglari, Shabnam
Comparison of Theory of Mind in Individuals with Schizophreni and Bipolar Affective Disorder with Normal People [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 73-93]
Borjali, Ahmad
Examining Simple and Multiple Relationships of Autistic Spectrum Traits and Obsessive-compulsive between the Girl Students of Secondary School in Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-19]
Chegini, Maryam
Psychometric Characteristics of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 135-162]
Delavar, Ali
Psychometric Characteristics of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 135-162]
Demehri, Faranghis
Examining Simple and Multiple Relationships of Autistic Spectrum Traits and Obsessive-compulsive between the Girl Students of Secondary School in Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-19]
Eesaee, Soheila
Working Memory in ADHD Subtypes: Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Study [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 123-147]
Enayati, Mirsalahaddin
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based on Religious Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of Couples [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 189-203]
Esmaeilpour, Khalil
The Comparison of Dimensions of Women's Marital Satisfaction in Non-governmental and Government Jobs and Housewives [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 25-41]
Farahbakhsh, Kiumars
Comparison of Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Decreasing Non-clinical Depression of Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 117-139]
Farhodi, Mehdi
Evaluation the Relationship between EEG Pattern and Overt Aggressive Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 1-12]
Faried, Abolfazl
The Study of Effectiveness of Firect, Vognitive Moral Education, Value Clarification and Combinational Methods on the Moral Judgment of Tabriz 4 Educational Zone Senior Male Students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 149-182]
Farnam, Alireza
Efficacy Evaluation of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment in Symptoms Reduction of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a Comorbid Emotional Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 41-74]
Faroogi, Parya
Effectiveness of Response Inhibition Training in the Reduction of Symptoms of ADHD Combine and Predominantly Inattentive and ADHD Comorbid with ODD [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 111-127]
Fasihizade, Narjes
Examining Simple and Multiple Relationships of Autistic Spectrum Traits and Obsessive-compulsive between the Girl Students of Secondary School in Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-19]
Fathi, Ayatollah
Prediction of Changes of Academic Procrastination by Academic Self Efficacy and Life Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 153-167]
Fathi Azar, Eskandar
Effective of Strategic Training of Thinking on Critical Thinking in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 195-216]
Garadagi, Ali
Comparison of Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Decreasing Non-clinical Depression of Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 117-139]
Garrayi, Banafsheh
Psychometric Characteristics of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 135-162]
Ghadampour, Mostafa
The Prediction of Social Anxiety Symptoms (Fear, Avoidance, Physiological Arousal) on the Basis of Early Maladaptive Dchemas [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 89-110]
Ghaffari, Azra
Comparison of Theory of Mind in Individuals with Schizophreni and Bipolar Affective Disorder with Normal People [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 73-93]
Ghanbari Hashemabadi, Bahramali
Investigation and Comparison of Effectiveness of Integrative-behavior and Cognitive-behavior of Couple Therapy on Communicational Beliefs of Couples Who Want to Divorce [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 53-71]
Gharibi, Hasan
Effective of Strategic Training of Thinking on Critical Thinking in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 195-216]
Ghasembagloo, Yunes
The Comparison of Children’s Psychological Problems of Female Nurses Employed in fixed Morning and Rotating Shift [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 141-157]
Ghasemzadeh, Abolfazl
[Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 95-115]
Gol Mohammadnezhad, Gholamreza
Motivational Manipulation Effect on Sensitivity and Response Bias on Risky as Compared with Conservative People: A Signal Detection Theory Based Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 175-200]
Hamid, Najmeh
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based on Religious Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of Couples [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 189-203]
Hasani, Mohammad
[Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 95-115]
Hashemi, Touraj
The Comparison of Social Competence and Academic Self Efficacy of Special Needs Students in Three Methods of Integrational, Exceptional and Normal Education [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 205-224]
Hashemi, Touraj
Effective of Strategic Training of Thinking on Critical Thinking in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 195-216]
Hashemi, Touraj
Effectiveness of Response Inhibition Training in the Reduction of Symptoms of ADHD Combine and Predominantly Inattentive and ADHD Comorbid with ODD [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 111-127]
Hassanabadi, Hamidreza
An Empirical Test of a Metacognitive Model of d Rumination and Depression in Non-clinical Population [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 183-204]
Hassani, Raheleh
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior-based Play Therapy on Anxiety and Self-steem of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Children [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 163-180]
Hassanvand Amouzadeh, Ali
The Prediction of Social Anxiety Symptoms (Fear, Avoidance, Physiological Arousal) on the Basis of Early Maladaptive Dchemas [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 89-110]
Hassanvand Amouzadeh, Mehdi
The Prediction of Social Anxiety Symptoms (Fear, Avoidance, Physiological Arousal) on the Basis of Early Maladaptive Dchemas [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 89-110]
Hejazi, Elahe
Loving Styles: Relationships with Big Five Factors of Personality and Attachment Styles [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 29-53]
Heydari, Hakimeh
Effectiveness of Emotional Skills Training on Increasing Emotional Intelligence and Couple Happiness of Married Women Students in IsfahanUniversity [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 169-188]
Hussein Rasidi, Batool
Comparison of Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Decreasing Non-clinical Depression of Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 117-139]
Ismaeili, Masoumeh
Comparison of Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Decreasing Non-clinical Depression of Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 117-139]
Jabraeili, Shahla
Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior and Mood Instability Measures of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 75-88]
Jelokhanian, Maryam
Effectiveness of Cognitive DistortionTraining on Marital Satisfaction in Women of Behzisty’s Counseling Centers [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 89-111]
Jelvegar, Afsaneh
The Effects of Self-regulation Training on Preschoolers Problem Solving [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 113-133]
Kalantarkushe, Seyyed mohammad
Function of Resilience, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Quality of Friendship among Two Groups of Smoker and None smoker PersianUniversity Students [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 225-249]
Karami, Jahanghir
The Relationship between Eysenck Personality Characteristics and Resiliency with Attitude to toward Suicide among Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 149-182]
Karimi Zarchi, Mehdi
Mediation of Early Maladaptive Schemas between Perception of Parental Rearing Style and Personality Traits of Cluster B [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 205-224]
Karshaki, Hossein
The Effects of Self-regulation Training on Preschoolers Problem Solving [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 113-133]
Kaviani, Zeynab
The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based on Religious Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of Couples [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 189-203]
Khademi, Ali
Effectiveness of Cognitive DistortionTraining on Marital Satisfaction in Women of Behzisty’s Counseling Centers [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 89-111]
Khalilian, Alireza
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior-based Play Therapy on Anxiety and Self-steem of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Children [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 163-180]
Khanjani, Zeinab
Effectiveness of Response Inhibition Training in the Reduction of Symptoms of ADHD Combine and Predominantly Inattentive and ADHD Comorbid with ODD [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 111-127]
Kheyrollah Bayatiany, Gholamreza
Study of the Relationship between Perfectionism with Life Satisfaction and Aggression among High School Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 201-219]
KhojastehMehr, reza
Direct and Indirect Effect of Perspective-taking on Marital Quality: Testing a Mediation Model [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 129-151]
Kimyaee, Seyyed ali
Investigation and Comparison of Effectiveness of Integrative-behavior and Cognitive-behavior of Couple Therapy on Communicational Beliefs of Couples Who Want to Divorce [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 53-71]
Kiyan Ersi, Farahnaz
The Effect of Sand Play therapy in Reducing Anxiety in Primary School Children by Using Observer Software [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 55-76]
MabasZamani, Maryam
Relationship between Self-esteem and Thin-ideal Internalization with Body Image Dissatisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 21-33]
Mahmoodaliloo, Majid
Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior and Mood Instability Measures of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 75-88]
Mahmood Aliloo, Majid
Efficacy Evaluation of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment in Symptoms Reduction of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a Comorbid Emotional Disorder [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 41-74]
Mahmoudzadeh, Mohammad
The Comparison of Children’s Psychological Problems of Female Nurses Employed in fixed Morning and Rotating Shift [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 141-157]
Makvand Hosseini, Shahrokh
The Effect of Sand Play therapy in Reducing Anxiety in Primary School Children by Using Observer Software [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 55-76]
Mansoori Nik, Azam
The Prediction of Life Satisfaction Based Personality Factors, Social Support and Spiritual Well-being [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 67-87]
Mazuji, Parichehr
Evaluation the Relationship between EEG Pattern and Overt Aggressive Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 1-12]
Mehrabizadeh, Mahnaz
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 1-23]
Mirzaeeian, Bahram
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior-based Play Therapy on Anxiety and Self-steem of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Children [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 163-180]
Mohammadi, Farhad
The Relationship between Eysenck Personality Characteristics and Resiliency with Attitude to toward Suicide among Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 149-182]
Mohammadkhani, Shahram
An Empirical Test of a Metacognitive Model of d Rumination and Depression in Non-clinical Population [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 183-204]
Moradi, Ayyub
Function of Resilience, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Quality of Friendship among Two Groups of Smoker and None smoker PersianUniversity Students [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 225-249]
Mosarrezaii Aghdam, Arash
Effectiveness of Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on the Improvement of Migraine Headache in Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 35-52]
Mousazade, Tavakol
Comparing of Thinking Styles, Attributional Styles,Optimisim and Pessimism in People with OCD (Obsessive Compulsibe Disorder)and Normal [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 21-39]
Narimani, Mohammad
Comparing of Thinking Styles, Attributional Styles,Optimisim and Pessimism in People with OCD (Obsessive Compulsibe Disorder)and Normal [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 21-39]
Nazari, Alimohammad
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy on Irrational Beliefs in High School Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 159-174]
Nazari, Mohammadali
Working Memory in ADHD Subtypes: Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Study [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 123-147]
Nazari, Mohammad ali
Motivational Manipulation Effect on Sensitivity and Response Bias on Risky as Compared with Conservative People: A Signal Detection Theory Based Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 175-200]
Nikpour, Roshanak
Loving Styles: Relationships with Big Five Factors of Personality and Attachment Styles [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 29-53]
Noori Samarin, Shahram
Study of the Relationship between Perfectionism with Life Satisfaction and Aggression among High School Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 201-219]
Palahangh, Hasan
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 1-23]
Pourali, Zarifeh
Motivational Manipulation Effect on Sensitivity and Response Bias on Risky as Compared with Conservative People: A Signal Detection Theory Based Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 175-200]
Poursharifi, Hamid
Relationship between Self-esteem and Thin-ideal Internalization with Body Image Dissatisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 21-33]
Purbaghban, Sajad
Prediction of Changes of Academic Procrastination by Academic Self Efficacy and Life Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 153-167]
Rahmani, Sudeh
Loving Styles: Relationships with Big Five Factors of Personality and Attachment Styles [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 29-53]
Rahmani, Sudeh
Attribution Style and High-risk Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 77-96]
Rajabi, Gholamreza
Direct and Indirect Effect of Perspective-taking on Marital Quality: Testing a Mediation Model [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 129-151]
Ranjbar, Fatemeh
Evaluation the Relationship between EEG Pattern and Overt Aggressive Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 1-12]
Rezapour, Yusef
Prediction of Changes of Academic Procrastination by Academic Self Efficacy and Life Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 153-167]
Rostami, Reza
Working Memory in ADHD Subtypes: Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Study [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 123-147]
Saadat Hashemi, Reyehe
Examining Simple and Multiple Relationships of Autistic Spectrum Traits and Obsessive-compulsive between the Girl Students of Secondary School in Yazd [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 1-19]
Salehi Fadardi, Javad
Attentional Bias in State and Trait Anxiety: A Dot-Probe Study [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 181-194]
Salimi, Marjan
Effectiveness of Emotional Skills Training on Increasing Emotional Intelligence and Couple Happiness of Married Women Students in IsfahanUniversity [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 169-188]
Sepehrian Azar, Firozeh
Effectiveness of Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on the Improvement of Migraine Headache in Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 35-52]
Seraj Khorrami, Naser
Study of the Relationship between Perfectionism with Life Satisfaction and Aggression among High School Students [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 201-219]
Seyyedi, Seyyedeh masoumeh
The Effect of Sand Play therapy in Reducing Anxiety in Primary School Children by Using Observer Software [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 55-76]
Shafiea Abadi, Abdollah
Comparison of Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Decreasing Non-clinical Depression of Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 117-139]
Shahamat Dehsorkh, Fatemeh
Attentional Bias in State and Trait Anxiety: A Dot-Probe Study [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 181-194]
Shahidi, Gholamali
The Effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy with Old People (CBTO) on General Health Parameters in Patients who Suffered from Parkinson Disease [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Shams, Jamal
Mediation of Early Maladaptive Schemas between Perception of Parental Rearing Style and Personality Traits of Cluster B [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 205-224]
Sobhani-joo, Shamsali
Direct and Indirect Effect of Perspective-taking on Marital Quality: Testing a Mediation Model [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 129-151]
Sohrabi, Faramarz
Mediation of Early Maladaptive Schemas between Perception of Parental Rearing Style and Personality Traits of Cluster B [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2014, Pages 205-224]
S. Purmand, Nilofar
An Empirical Test of a Metacognitive Model of d Rumination and Depression in Non-clinical Population [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 183-204]
Talea Pasand, Siavosh
Relation of Achievement Goal Orientation and Shyness with Avoidance of Help-Seeking [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2013, Pages 1-19]
Tamannayeefar, Mohammadreza
The Prediction of Life Satisfaction Based Personality Factors, Social Support and Spiritual Well-being [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 67-87]
Tanha, Zahra
Loving Styles: Relationships with Big Five Factors of Personality and Attachment Styles [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 29-53]
Tanha, Zahra
Attribution Style and High-risk Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 77-96]
Vahedi, Hossein
Evaluation the Relationship between EEG Pattern and Overt Aggressive Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 1-12]
Zakiei, Ali
The Relationship between Eysenck Personality Characteristics and Resiliency with Attitude to toward Suicide among Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 149-182]
Zareh, Hossein
The Effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy with Old People (CBTO) on General Health Parameters in Patients who Suffered from Parkinson Disease [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Zarghar, Yadollah
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2013, Pages 1-23]
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