Predicting Social anxiety based on Adolescents’ Metacognitive Beliefs and Social Skills

Volume 16, Issue 61, June 2021, Pages 29-38

jalil babapour kheiroddin; nasrin ganjei

Relationship between Transformational, Leadership Psychological Capital and Job Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Work Engagement among Nurses

Volume 15, Issue 60, January 2021, Pages 32-43

seyed samad hosseini; Younes Nikkhah Tekmedash; Naser Sanoubar

Effectiveness of Quality of Life Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Loneliness among Female Undergraduate Students with Smartphones Addiction

Volume 16, Issue 62, September 2021, Pages 32-45

saeed najarpour ostadi; Bahman Akbari; Javad Khalatbari; Jalil Babapour

Students, Help-seeking during Problem-solving: Influences of Goal Preferences and Goal Structures

Volume 2, Issue 8, December 2008, Pages 33-63

Majid Pakdaman; Valiollah Farzad; Zohreh Sarmad; Ali Khanzadeh

Effectiveness of Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on the Improvement of Migraine Headache in Female Students

Volume 8, Issue 31, December 2013, Pages 35-52

Firozeh Sepehrian Azar; Saeed Asadnia; Arash Mosarrezaii Aghdam

The Relation Between Goal Orientation and Happiness

Volume 2, Issue 5, December 2007, Pages 35-53

Bahram Jowkar

Predicting the Changes of Students’ General Health Based on Emotional Intelligence and Dimensions of Locus of Control

Volume 9, Issue 36, December 2015, Pages 37-55

Yousef Rezapour; Maryam Abedini; Samereh Asadi

The Effect of Reappraisal and Suppression of Negative Emotional Experience on Frontal EEG Asymmetry according to Neuroticism and Extraversion Dimensions

Volume 4, Issue 13, December 2009, Pages 37-71

Jafar Hasani; Parviz Azadfallah; Seyyed Kazem Kazem Rasoulzade Tabatabaie; Hasan Ashayeri

The Relation of Hhandedness with Creativity

Volume 11, Issue 41, July 2016, Pages 37-55

R. Rahimi; A. Alipour; H. Zare; N. Erfani

Efficacy of Attention Rehabilitation in Decreasing Selective Attention and Sustained Attention Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients

Volume 7, Issue 26, December 2012, Pages 39-64

Leili Khalili; Behroz Dolatshahi; Mehdi Farhoudi; Abbas Purshahbaz; Zahra Niknam

he Effect of Group Logo Therapy on Depression and Marital Satisfaction of Women with Marital Conflicts

Volume 7, Issue 27, December 2012, Pages 39-60

Samaneh Jamshidi; Morteza Torkhan; Bahman Akbari; Hossein Zare

The Relation among God Concept, Attachment and Paranoid Ideation in College Students

Volume 6, Issue 24, December 2012, Pages 39-58

Aliakbar Haddadi; Bagher Ghobari

The Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing in Improving the Outcomes of Well-being, Quality of Life and Self-Care in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

Volume 6, Issue 23, December 2011, Pages 39-60

Hamid Poursharifi; Reza Zamani; Amirhoshangh Mehryar; Mohammadali Besharat; Asadollah Rajab

Effect of Couple’s Relationship Enrichment Training on Increasing Marital Commitment

Volume 12, Issue 45, October 2017, Pages 39-58

Akram Farzaneh; Ahmad Heydarnia; Malahat Amani

Normalization of Thorp's Reasoning Inventory (TRI) among University Students

Volume 9, Issue 34, December 2014, Pages 41-55

Hossein Zaree; Majid Baradaran

Efficacy Evaluation of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment in Symptoms Reduction of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a Comorbid Emotional Disorder

Volume 8, Issue 32, December 2014, Pages 41-74

Abbas Bakhshipour Roodsari; Majid Mahmood Aliloo; Alireza Farnam; Reza Abdi

Creativity in Children: The Study of Causal Model of Perceived Control, Motivational Styles, Creativity

Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 41-67

Bahram Jowkar; Mohammad Khayyer; Mahbobeh Alborzi