Keywords = Students
Explaining Perception and Attitude Towards Procrastination and Coping Strategies Among Students: A Qualitative Research

Volume 19, Issue 75, October 2024, Pages 144-154


Sadegh Hekmatiyan Fard; Seyed Mousa Golestaneh; Mahnaz Joukar Kamal Abadi; Yousef Dehghani

The Effectiveness of the Reduction Stress-Based Mindfulness Training on Emotional Problems of Students

Volume 19, Issue 73, April 2024, Pages 273-280


Sara Moradi; Mansour Bayrami; Touraj Hashemi Nosratabad; Somayyeh Taklavi

Examining the psychometric properties of the happy school scale

Volume 18, Issue 70, July 2023, Pages 195-202


Ramin Gharibzadeh; Adel Zahed Babelan; Mahdi Moeinikia; Taghi Akbari

Causal Model of Emotional schema and Alexithymia with Anxiety Sensitivity via Mediating Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in Students

Volume 17, Issue 68, September 2022, Pages 53-62


Amirreza Bakhshandeh Sajjad; Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Mousavi Nasab; Noshirvan Khezri Moghadam

Effectiveness of Dialectical Storytelling in Questioning Skills of Elementary Students

Volume 16, Issue 62, September 2021, Pages 178-191

fatemeh pouramirrazdari; rahim badri; shahram vahedi

Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management on Self-Efficacy and Academic adjustment Female students

Volume 15, Issue 60, January 2021, Pages 76-87


Preparation of a school-based psycho-educational package and its effect on the psychological distress of 12th grade girls

Volume 15, Issue 58, September 2020, Pages 1-10

Soheila Imanparvar; Mohammad Narimani; Somayeh Taklavi; Touraj Hashemi

The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Relationships Training in Friendliness and Self-esteem in Female Students

Volume 10, Issue 39, December 2015, Pages 101-118

Masoumeh Dehbashi; Adeleh Aslipour; Mousa Kafi

The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies Training on Active Memory in Students

Volume 7, Issue 27, December 2012, Pages 23-38

Adeleh Aslipour; Mohammadkazem Fakhri

Study of Determinant Factors Role of Students’ Social Well-Being

Volume 4, Issue 16, December 2010, Pages 1-19

Jalil Babapour Kheiroddin; Fahimeh Toosi; Issa Hekmati

Psychometric Properties of the Student's Evaluations of Educational Quality Questionnaire

Volume 4, Issue 15, December 2009, Pages 133-151

Siavosh Taleepasand; Imanollah Beigdeli; Mehran Jowkar

The Study of Effectiveness of Assignment-Process Method in the Treatment of Mathematical Disability

Volume 3, Issue 10, December 2008, Pages 105-127

Farhad Mohammadi; Jahanghir Karami; Mansour Beyrami

Standardization of a Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) for Diagnostic Aims in Consultant and Therapeutic Situations

Volume 2, Issue 8, December 2008, Pages 129-144

Jafar MAMAGHANI; Gholamhossein JAVANMARD

A comparison of student's Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health with Their Affective Relationship in Family

Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 69-87

Aliakbar Haddadikohsar; Rasoul Roshan; Aliasghar Asgharnejad