Abbasi, Roya
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Persian Version of Moral Agency Scale [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 139-158]
Abdi, Reza
Identifying the Effective Factors on Divorce and Providing a Model for Predicting Divorce … [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 24-46]
Abedi, Ahmad
Effectiveness of Parent Management Training and Parenting Based on Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Parenting Self-efficacy among Mothers Who Have Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 181-205]
Abedini, maryam
Evaluating Communication Model of Mindfulness with Happiness According to the Role of Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem and Emotion Regulation in Student [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 271-292]
Aboee Mehrizi, hamed
Mediating Role of Self-compassion in Relatoinship between Emotional Regulation Psychosocial Adjustment and Academic Self-efficacy in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 168-190]
Abolghasemi, Abbas
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility, Sense of Continuity and Marital Interactions in the Couples Requesting for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 89-106]
Afrooz, gholamali
The Relationship between Creativity with Spiritual Happiness, Popularity of Parents, Parenting Styles, and Cognitive Characteristics in Gifted Students [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 244-270]
Afshari, Ali
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy with Metacognitive Therapy in Reducing the Worry and Increasing the Self-esteem of Teachers with General Anxiety Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 225-251]
Afshin, hossein
The Relationship between Religious Coping Strategy, Resiliency and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 317-331]
Aghdasi, Ali Nagi
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Type of Self-acceptance of Women Aged 25-40 Years in Tabriz City [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 23-40]
Ahangar Ghorbani, Zohreh
Mediating Role of Impulsivity in Relationship between Dark Triad Personality and Cyberbullying: A study among Students [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 1-21]
Ahmadi, homeyra
Desogmomg a Model of Academic Engagement Based on Academic Optimism and Achievement Motivation through Mediating of School Wellbeing and Academic Bouncy [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 1-23]
Ahmadian, Hamzeh
Developing a Causal Model of School Well-Being Based on Achievement goals orientation, basic Psychological Needs with the Mediating Role of Emotional Creativity and Self-efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 199-230]
Ahmadzadeh, Laeia
Effectiveness of Coupled Matching Acceptance and Commitment Treatment and Integrative Couple Therapy on Psychological Distress in Couples with Breast Cancer [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 1-22]
Akbari, Abbas
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Persian Version of Moral Agency Scale [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 139-158]
Akbari, Bahman
The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Techniques Training and Quality of Life Therapy in Impulsivity among Female Undergraduate Students with Smartphones Addiction [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 151-174]
Alavi, Zeynab
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Modifying Beliefs and Marital Satisfaction in Couples with Depression [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 229-252]
Aliakbari Dehkordi, mahnaz
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Training and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Distress Tolerance and Perception of Pain in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A two-month Follow-up [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 191-212]
Alipour, Ahmad
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Training and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Distress Tolerance and Perception of Pain in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A two-month Follow-up [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 191-212]
Amini, Maryam
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Reduction of Depression in Patients with Refractory Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 1-17]
Aminian Heris, Afra
The Mediating Role of Mindfulness and Cognitive Flexibility in Relationships between Behavioral Inhibition /approach Systems and Emotion Dysregulation in Individuals with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Asadi Majareh, samereh
Evaluating Communication Model of Mindfulness with Happiness According to the Role of Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem and Emotion Regulation in Student [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 271-292]
Asadzadeh, Hassan
Relationships between Perception of Classroom Environment, Perception of Family Environment and Academic Performance through Academic Engagement in Elementary Students: Structural Model [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 93-120]
Asgari, Karim
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Reduction of Depression in Patients with Refractory Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 1-17]
Askary, Parviz
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based in Religion Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of MS Patients in Tehran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 159-175]
Atadokht, Akbar
Mediating Role of Impulsivity in Relationship between Dark Triad Personality and Cyberbullying: A study among Students [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 1-21]
Atapour, Hashem
Exceptional children [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 293-319]
Avarideh, solmaz
Evaluating Communication Model of Mindfulness with Happiness According to the Role of Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem and Emotion Regulation in Student [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 271-292]
Azimifar, Shirin
Effectiveness of Parent Management Training and Parenting Based on Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Parenting Self-efficacy among Mothers Who Have Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 181-205]
Babapour, Jalil
Evaluation of Depressive Beliefs by Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP): A study based on Relational Elaboration and Coherence (REC) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 19-43]
Babapour Kheiraldin, Jalil
The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Techniques Training and Quality of Life Therapy in Impulsivity among Female Undergraduate Students with Smartphones Addiction [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 151-174]
Badrigargari, Rahim
Designing an Appropriate Model of Questioning Experimental in Science and Investigating the Effectiveness of the Model in Student's Understanding Concepts and Critical Thinking [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 275-306]
BadriGharghari, rahim
Effectiveness of the Combinaton of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy in Decreasing Female Student' Test Anxiety [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 114-130]
Badri Gharghari, Rahin
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Selfreguleted Learning Strategies Training in Academic Procrastination and Academic Negative Emotions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 131-153]
Bagheri, fariborz
The Effectiveness of Teaching Academic Engagement on Academic Strees Students School [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 151-167]
Bahrami, Fatemeh
A Qualitative Study of the Causes of Consensual Divorce by Content Analysis; a Phenomenological Study [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 47-76]
Bahrami Hidaji, Maryam
Effectiveness of Coupled Matching Acceptance and Commitment Treatment and Integrative Couple Therapy on Psychological Distress in Couples with Breast Cancer [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 1-22]
Bakhsheepour Roodsari, Abbas
The Mediating Role of Mindfulness and Cognitive Flexibility in Relationships between Behavioral Inhibition /approach Systems and Emotion Dysregulation in Individuals with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Bakhshipour, Abbas
Evaluation of Depressive Beliefs by Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP): A study based on Relational Elaboration and Coherence (REC) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 19-43]
Bakhshipour Roodsari, Abbas
Studying the Efficacy of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Improving Symptoms of Women's Orgasmic Disorder and Increasing Sexual Knowledge and Intimacy in Women with Sexual Dysfunction [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 253-272]
BakhtiarPoor, Saeed
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based in Religion Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of MS Patients in Tehran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 159-175]
Banakhatibi, Sahar
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Type of Self-acceptance of Women Aged 25-40 Years in Tabriz City [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 23-40]
Basharpoor, sajjad
The Effectiveness of Hypoventilation Therapy on Symptoms of Panic and Worry in Women with Panic Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 131-150]
Bayrami, Mansoor
Comparative Study of the Elements of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Non-clinical Anxious, Depressed and Healthy Individuals [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 41-55]
Bayrami, mansour
The Comparison of Female with Fragile X Syndrome and Normal Female in Mathematical Problem Solving that Need Update Information and Need Not Update Information [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 95-113]
Behjameh, Fatemeh
Predicting of Self-management Based on Educational Justice and Academic Burnout by Mediating of Academic Ethics [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 273-292]
Behnam Moradi, maryam
Effectiveness of Health Promotion Education Based on Pender's Model in Health Responsibility and Stress Management in Menopausal Women [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 77-94]
Beshlide, Kiomars
Investigation of Similarities and Differences between Social Anxiety (shyness) and Modesty [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 155-180]
Dana, Amir
Relationship between Personality Traits, Resiliency and Sport Success by Mediating Mindfulness [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Dartaj, fariborz
The Effectiveness of Teaching Academic Engagement on Academic Strees Students School [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 151-167]
Debashi, Leila
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Group Therapy (CAT) in the Personality Structure in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 71-98]
Dehghani, Mohsen
Comparing Body-related Cognitions and Emotion Regulation Strategies in Individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Control Group [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Dorosti, Kobra
Comparison of Self-referent Memory in Deficit Autistic and Healthy Children [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 305-316]
Dortaj, afsaneh
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Training and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Distress Tolerance and Perception of Pain in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A two-month Follow-up [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 191-212]
Eftekhar, Zahra
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based in Religion Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of MS Patients in Tehran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 159-175]
Ehteshamzadeh, Parvin
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation after Medication in Active Memory, Attention and Behavioral Symptoms in Children with ADHD in Ahvaz City [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 121-138]
Einy, Sanaz
Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Therapy in Object Relations and Defense Mechanisms in Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 207-228]
Elhamiasl, Mina
Comparing Body-related Cognitions and Emotion Regulation Strategies in Individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Control Group [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Esmaeeli, Ahmad
A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy with Metacognitive Therapy in Reducing the Worry and Increasing the Self-esteem of Teachers with General Anxiety Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 225-251]
Farid, Abolfazl
Effectiveness of Philosophy Training for Children through Community of Inquiry in Students, Social Self-Efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 67-87]
Farzi, aysan
Relationship between Misinterperation of Somatic Symptoms and Social Anxiety Symptons: Mediating Role of Insecure Theory of Mind [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 320-342]
Fatehizade, Maryamossadat
Effectiveness of Parent Management Training and Parenting Based on Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Parenting Self-efficacy among Mothers Who Have Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 181-205]
Fathiazar, Eskandar
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Selfreguleted Learning Strategies Training in Academic Procrastination and Academic Negative Emotions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 131-153]
Fathi Azar, Eskandar
Designing an Appropriate Model of Questioning Experimental in Science and Investigating the Effectiveness of the Model in Student's Understanding Concepts and Critical Thinking [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 275-306]
Firuzjaeyan, Ali Asgar
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Persian Version of Moral Agency Scale [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 139-158]
Fouruhi, Naser
The Relationship between Religious Coping Strategy, Resiliency and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 317-331]
Ghadampour, Ezatollah
Role of Academic Optimism, Locus of Control (Internal-External) and Academic Engagement (Cognitive-Behavioral-Motivational) in the Prediction Academic Resilience [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 252-276]
Ghadampour, Ezzatollah
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Modifying Beliefs and Marital Satisfaction in Couples with Depression [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 229-252]
Ghafari, Azra
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility, Sense of Continuity and Marital Interactions in the Couples Requesting for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 89-106]
Ghasemzadeh, sogand
The Relationship between Creativity with Spiritual Happiness, Popularity of Parents, Parenting Styles, and Cognitive Characteristics in Gifted Students [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 244-270]
Ghiamirad, Amir
Relationship between Personality Traits, Resiliency and Sport Success by Mediating Mindfulness [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Ghobari Bonab, bagher
The Relationship between Creativity with Spiritual Happiness, Popularity of Parents, Parenting Styles, and Cognitive Characteristics in Gifted Students [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 244-270]
Gholamrezaei, Simin
Role of Academic Optimism, Locus of Control (Internal-External) and Academic Engagement (Cognitive-Behavioral-Motivational) in the Prediction Academic Resilience [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 252-276]
Golmohammadi, Golam Reza
Mediating Role of Psychological Symptoms in the Relationship between Resiliency and Coping Strategies Pain by Catastrophic Pain in People with Spinal Pain [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 200-224]
Golmohammadnezhad Bahrami, Golam Reza
Effectiveness of Coupled Matching Acceptance and Commitment Treatment and Integrative Couple Therapy on Psychological Distress in Couples with Breast Cancer [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 1-22]
Goodarzi, kourosh
A Qualitative Study of the Causes of Consensual Divorce by Content Analysis; a Phenomenological Study [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 47-76]
Goodarzi, Kourosh
Comparing the Effectiveness of Integrated Gottman-Emotional Focused and Strategic-Solution Focused Approaches in Marital Intimacy among Couples Applying for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 293-327]
Habibi- Kaleybar, Ramin
Effectiveness of Philosophy Training for Children through Community of Inquiry in Students, Social Self-Efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 67-87]
Hafezi, Fariba
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation after Medication in Active Memory, Attention and Behavioral Symptoms in Children with ADHD in Ahvaz City [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 121-138]
Hajloo, nader
The Effectiveness of Hypoventilation Therapy on Symptoms of Panic and Worry in Women with Panic Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 131-150]
Hajloo, Nader
Comparison of Health Literacy, Psychological Flexibility and Prosocial Personality in Female Athletic and non-Athlete Students [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 45-66]
Hamdipour, Afshin
Citation and Content Analysis of the Journal of Modern Psychological Research From 2006 to 2015 [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 107-129]
Hamid, Najmeh
Investigation of Similarities and Differences between Social Anxiety (shyness) and Modesty [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 155-180]
Hasani, fahimeh
The Effectiveness of Teaching Academic Engagement on Academic Strees Students School [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 151-167]
Hasani, Maesoomeh
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility, Sense of Continuity and Marital Interactions in the Couples Requesting for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 89-106]
Hashemi, Seyyed Esmail
Investigation of Similarities and Differences between Social Anxiety (shyness) and Modesty [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 155-180]
Hashemi, Soheila
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Persian Version of Moral Agency Scale [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 139-158]
Hashemi, Touraj
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Selfreguleted Learning Strategies Training in Academic Procrastination and Academic Negative Emotions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 131-153]
Hashemi, Touraj
Comparative Study of the Elements of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Non-clinical Anxious, Depressed and Healthy Individuals [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 41-55]
Heidari, Mahmood
Comparing Body-related Cognitions and Emotion Regulation Strategies in Individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Control Group [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Heidarie, Alireza
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based in Religion Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of MS Patients in Tehran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 159-175]
Hekmati, Issa
Evaluation of Depressive Beliefs by Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP): A study based on Relational Elaboration and Coherence (REC) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 19-43]
Heydari, pouya
Mediating Role of Self-compassion in Relatoinship between Emotional Regulation Psychosocial Adjustment and Academic Self-efficacy in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 168-190]
Honarmand Azimi, Morteza
Identifying the Effective Factors on Divorce and Providing a Model for Predicting Divorce … [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 24-46]
Hosseinian, Simin
The Effectiveness Group Counseling Based on Acceptance and Commitment therapy in Psychological Flexibility and Meaningful life of Infertile Women [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 175-197]
Hossinian Zakariya, Mohammad Mahdi
Mediating Role of Psychological Symptoms in the Relationship between Resiliency and Coping Strategies Pain by Catastrophic Pain in People with Spinal Pain [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 200-224]
Imanzadeh, Ali
The Relationship between Religious Coping Strategy, Resiliency and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 317-331]
Imanzadeh, Vahideh
Identifying the Effective Factors on Divorce and Providing a Model for Predicting Divorce … [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 24-46]
Jadidi, Hoshang
Developing a Causal Model of School Well-Being Based on Achievement goals orientation, basic Psychological Needs with the Mediating Role of Emotional Creativity and Self-efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 199-230]
Jadidi, Houshang
Desogmomg a Model of Academic Engagement Based on Academic Optimism and Achievement Motivation through Mediating of School Wellbeing and Academic Bouncy [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 1-23]
Jahanbazi, Anis
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Reduction of Depression in Patients with Refractory Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 1-17]
Javanmard, GholamHossein
Comparison of Social Judgment Ability in Schizophrenic Patients with Negative and Positive Symptoms and a Healthy Group [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 57-74]
Jazayeri, Rezvanossadat
Effectiveness of Parent Management Training and Parenting Based on Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Parenting Self-efficacy among Mothers Who Have Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 181-205]
Kalantari, Mehrdad
Validation and Localization the Komar Positive Package and its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 75-91]
Karbasi, Suzan
The Causal Model of Students' Life Satisfaction on Basis of the Patterns of Internet Usage, with Mediating Role of Parent / Child Conflict [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Kashani, Valiollah
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Reliability of Persian Version of the Children's Sport Locus of Control Scale [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 253-274]
Kaviani, Zeynab
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based in Religion Attitudes on Resiliency and Dysfunctional Attitudes of MS Patients in Tehran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 159-175]
Kazemi, Reza
Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy in Anxiety Sensitivity in Social Anxiety Clinical Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 176-199]
Khalatbari, Javad
The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Techniques Training and Quality of Life Therapy in Impulsivity among Female Undergraduate Students with Smartphones Addiction [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 151-174]
Khaneghahi, Sophia
Validation and Localization the Komar Positive Package and its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 75-91]
Mahdavi, Mohammad
The Relationship between Religious Coping Strategy, Resiliency and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 317-331]
Mahmoudaliloo, majid
Relationship between Misinterperation of Somatic Symptoms and Social Anxiety Symptons: Mediating Role of Insecure Theory of Mind [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 320-342]
Mahmoudi, Firoz
Designing an Appropriate Model of Questioning Experimental in Science and Investigating the Effectiveness of the Model in Student's Understanding Concepts and Critical Thinking [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 275-306]
Mahmoudi Bardzardi, Saeid
Designing an Appropriate Model of Questioning Experimental in Science and Investigating the Effectiveness of the Model in Student's Understanding Concepts and Critical Thinking [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 275-306]
Makvandi, Behnam
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation after Medication in Active Memory, Attention and Behavioral Symptoms in Children with ADHD in Ahvaz City [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 121-138]
Malilialzekradini, Saeed
Mediating Role of Psychological Symptoms in the Relationship between Resiliency and Coping Strategies Pain by Catastrophic Pain in People with Spinal Pain [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 200-224]
Mamaghani, jafar
The Relationship between Creativity with Spiritual Happiness, Popularity of Parents, Parenting Styles, and Cognitive Characteristics in Gifted Students [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 244-270]
Marashi, Seyyed Ali
Investigation of Similarities and Differences between Social Anxiety (shyness) and Modesty [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 155-180]
Mashinchi Abbasi, naimeh
Comparison of Attention and Problem Solving in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I and Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 233-243]
Mazaheri, mostafa
A Qualitative Study of the Causes of Consensual Divorce by Content Analysis; a Phenomenological Study [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 47-76]
Mehryar, A.H.
The Causal Model of Students' Life Satisfaction on Basis of the Patterns of Internet Usage, with Mediating Role of Parent / Child Conflict [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Mirbolok Bozorgi, abbas
Evaluating Communication Model of Mindfulness with Happiness According to the Role of Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem and Emotion Regulation in Student [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 271-292]
Mirnasab, mirmahmood
Effectiveness of the Combinaton of Behavior and Cognitive Therapy in Decreasing Female Student' Test Anxiety [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 114-130]
Mirzazadeh, Shirin
Efficacy of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Working Memory and Processing Speed of Children with Attention deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 213-232]
Moazez, Rogayeh
Mediating Role of Impulsivity in Relationship between Dark Triad Personality and Cyberbullying: A study among Students [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 1-21]
Mohagheghi, Arash
The Mediating Role of Mindfulness and Cognitive Flexibility in Relationships between Behavioral Inhibition /approach Systems and Emotion Dysregulation in Individuals with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Mohagheghi, Hossein
Predicting of Self-management Based on Educational Justice and Academic Burnout by Mediating of Academic Ethics [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 273-292]
Mohajjel, shiva
Comparison of Attention and Problem Solving in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I and Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 233-243]
Mohammadi, Shervin
Mediating Role of Psychological Symptoms in the Relationship between Resiliency and Coping Strategies Pain by Catastrophic Pain in People with Spinal Pain [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 200-224]
Mohammadzadeh, Rogayeh
Effectiveness of Philosophy Training for Children through Community of Inquiry in Students, Social Self-Efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 67-87]
Moheb, Naimeh
Identifying the Effective Factors on Divorce and Providing a Model for Predicting Divorce … [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 24-46]
Mokaberian, Mansooreh
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Reliability of Persian Version of the Children's Sport Locus of Control Scale [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 253-274]
Mousazadeh, Tavakol
Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy in Anxiety Sensitivity in Social Anxiety Clinical Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 176-199]
Najafi, Mahmood
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Group Therapy (CAT) in the Personality Structure in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 71-98]
Najafi, Mohammad.Reza
Effectiveness of Neurofeedback in the Reduction of Depression in Patients with Refractory Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 1-17]
Najarpour Ostadi, Saeed
The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Techniques Training and Quality of Life Therapy in Impulsivity among Female Undergraduate Students with Smartphones Addiction [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 151-174]
Najdi, Leila
Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy in Anxiety Sensitivity in Social Anxiety Clinical Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 176-199]
Narimani, Mohammad
Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Therapy in Object Relations and Defense Mechanisms in Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 207-228]
Narimani, Mohammad
The Effectiveness of Hypoventilation Therapy on Symptoms of Panic and Worry in Women with Panic Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 131-150]
Nazari, Gohar
Developing a Causal Model of School Well-Being Based on Achievement goals orientation, basic Psychological Needs with the Mediating Role of Emotional Creativity and Self-efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 199-230]
Nejati, Vahid
Comparison of Self-referent Memory in Deficit Autistic and Healthy Children [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 305-316]
Nemati, Shahrooz
The Relationship between Religious Coping Strategy, Resiliency and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 317-331]
Nemati, Shahroz
Exceptional children [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 293-319]
Neshatdoost, Hamidtaher
Validation and Localization the Komar Positive Package and its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 75-91]
Niknam, Mandana
The Effectiveness Intervention Based on Positive Psychology on Perceived Stress and Hardiness on Women with Addicted Spouse [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 231-251]
Nosrati Beghzadeh, Maryam
The Effectiveness Group Counseling Based on Acceptance and Commitment therapy in Psychological Flexibility and Meaningful life of Infertile Women [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 175-197]
Ommi, Masoomeh
Citation and Content Analysis of the Journal of Modern Psychological Research From 2006 to 2015 [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 107-129]
Pasha, Reza
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation after Medication in Active Memory, Attention and Behavioral Symptoms in Children with ADHD in Ahvaz City [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 121-138]
Pashangh, Sara
Mediating Role of Psychological Symptoms in the Relationship between Resiliency and Coping Strategies Pain by Catastrophic Pain in People with Spinal Pain [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 200-224]
Poureatemad, Hamid Reza
Comparison of Self-referent Memory in Deficit Autistic and Healthy Children [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 305-316]
Pourmahmoud Hajilary, Khadijeh
Comparative Study of the Elements of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Non-clinical Anxious, Depressed and Healthy Individuals [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 41-55]
Poursharifi, Hamid
Evaluation of Depressive Beliefs by Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP): A study based on Relational Elaboration and Coherence (REC) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 19-43]
Rahimi, Saeid
Comparison of Health Literacy, Psychological Flexibility and Prosocial Personality in Female Athletic and non-Athlete Students [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 45-66]
Rahimian Boogar, Shag
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Group Therapy (CAT) in the Personality Structure in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 71-98]
Ramezani, Zahra
Investigation of Similarities and Differences between Social Anxiety (shyness) and Modesty [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 155-180]
Rashidzade, Abdollah
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Selfreguleted Learning Strategies Training in Academic Procrastination and Academic Negative Emotions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 131-153]
Rezaei, Azar
The Causal Model of Students' Life Satisfaction on Basis of the Patterns of Internet Usage, with Mediating Role of Parent / Child Conflict [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Roozbehani, Mehdi
Comparing the Effectiveness of Integrated Gottman-Emotional Focused and Strategic-Solution Focused Approaches in Marital Intimacy among Couples Applying for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 293-327]
Saadeti Shamir, abutaleb
The Effectiveness of Teaching Academic Engagement on Academic Strees Students School [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 151-167]
Sabouri Moghaddam, Hasan
The Mediating Role of Mindfulness and Cognitive Flexibility in Relationships between Behavioral Inhibition /approach Systems and Emotion Dysregulation in Individuals with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Sadeghi, masoud
A Qualitative Study of the Causes of Consensual Divorce by Content Analysis; a Phenomenological Study [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 47-76]
Sadeghi, Masoud
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Modifying Beliefs and Marital Satisfaction in Couples with Depression [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 229-252]
Sadeghi, Masoud
Role of Academic Optimism, Locus of Control (Internal-External) and Academic Engagement (Cognitive-Behavioral-Motivational) in the Prediction Academic Resilience [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 252-276]
Sadeghi, Massoud
Comparing the Effectiveness of Integrated Gottman-Emotional Focused and Strategic-Solution Focused Approaches in Marital Intimacy among Couples Applying for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 293-327]
Sadighi Farouji, Fatemeh
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Reliability of Persian Version of the Children's Sport Locus of Control Scale [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 253-274]
Sadipour, Esmail
Relationships between Perception of Classroom Environment, Perception of Family Environment and Academic Performance through Academic Engagement in Elementary Students: Structural Model [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 93-120]
Saeedi Dehagani, Somayeh
Comparative Study of the Elements of Early Maladaptive Schemas in Non-clinical Anxious, Depressed and Healthy Individuals [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 41-55]
Sajjadian, Ilnaz
Validation and Localization the Komar Positive Package and its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 75-91]
Samani, Siamak
The Causal Model of Students' Life Satisfaction on Basis of the Patterns of Internet Usage, with Mediating Role of Parent / Child Conflict [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Sedaghat, Mernaz
Comparison of Health Literacy, Psychological Flexibility and Prosocial Personality in Female Athletic and non-Athlete Students [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 45-66]
Seirafi, mohammadreza
Effectiveness of Health Promotion Education Based on Pender's Model in Health Responsibility and Stress Management in Menopausal Women [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 77-94]
Sepehri Nasab, Zahra
Mediating Role of Impulsivity in Relationship between Dark Triad Personality and Cyberbullying: A study among Students [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 1-21]
Seyedmohammadi, Seyyed Hamid Reza
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation after Medication in Active Memory, Attention and Behavioral Symptoms in Children with ADHD in Ahvaz City [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 121-138]
Shadbafi, Mohammad
The Comparison of Female with Fragile X Syndrome and Normal Female in Mathematical Problem Solving that Need Update Information and Need Not Update Information [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 95-113]
Shahmoradi, Hossein
Comparing the Effectiveness of Integrated Gottman-Emotional Focused and Strategic-Solution Focused Approaches in Marital Intimacy among Couples Applying for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 293-327]
Sodargar, Sheyda
Effectiveness of Coupled Matching Acceptance and Commitment Treatment and Integrative Couple Therapy on Psychological Distress in Couples with Breast Cancer [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 1-22]
Soltani, Nargas
Relationship between Personality Traits, Resiliency and Sport Success by Mediating Mindfulness [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Taghipour, behzad
The Effectiveness of Hypoventilation Therapy on Symptoms of Panic and Worry in Women with Panic Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 131-150]
Taklavi, Somayeh
Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility, Sense of Continuity and Marital Interactions in the Couples Requesting for Divorce [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 89-106]
Talaei, Khodakaram
Relationships between Perception of Classroom Environment, Perception of Family Environment and Academic Performance through Academic Engagement in Elementary Students: Structural Model [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 93-120]
Vaezi, Maryam
Effectiveness of Coupled Matching Acceptance and Commitment Treatment and Integrative Couple Therapy on Psychological Distress in Couples with Breast Cancer [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 1-22]
Vatankhah, Solmaz
Studying the Efficacy of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Improving Symptoms of Women's Orgasmic Disorder and Increasing Sexual Knowledge and Intimacy in Women with Sexual Dysfunction [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 253-272]
Yaghobi, Abolgasem
Predicting of Self-management Based on Educational Justice and Academic Burnout by Mediating of Academic Ethics [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 273-292]
Yahrahmadi, Yahya
Developing a Causal Model of School Well-Being Based on Achievement goals orientation, basic Psychological Needs with the Mediating Role of Emotional Creativity and Self-efficacy [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 199-230]
Yarmohamadi, Mosayeb
Predicting of Self-management Based on Educational Justice and Academic Burnout by Mediating of Academic Ethics [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2019, Pages 273-292]
Yousefvand, Mahdi
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment in Modifying Beliefs and Marital Satisfaction in Couples with Depression [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 229-252]
Yousefvand, Mahdi
Role of Academic Optimism, Locus of Control (Internal-External) and Academic Engagement (Cognitive-Behavioral-Motivational) in the Prediction Academic Resilience [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2020, Pages 252-276]
Zavaraqi, Rasoul
Citation and Content Analysis of the Journal of Modern Psychological Research From 2006 to 2015 [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2019, Pages 107-129]
Zeinali, Shirin
Efficacy of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Working Memory and Processing Speed of Children with Attention deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2020, Pages 213-232]
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