Academic Perrormance
The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Self-esteem, Social Skills, and Educational Function of High-schoo. Students [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 155-182]
Academic Stressors
Academic Stressors and Reactions to Stressors: Testing the Mediating Effects of Coping Styles [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 101-122]
ویژگی شخصیتی، اعتیاد،HIV. [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 1-15]
Relations between Alexithymia, Anxiety, Depression, Psychological Distress, and Psychological Well-being [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 17-40]
Anger and Hostility
Comparison of the Asthma Disease and Healthy Subjects on Experience of Negative Emotions, Social Inhibition and its Interaction with Gender Factor [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 129-153]
Anger management
Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training (Anger Management, Assertiveness and Relaxation) on Increasing Assertiveness and Decreasing Anger among Heart Patients, after Bypass Surgery [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 119-134]
Survey of Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory and Latency in Memories Retrieval in Depressive and Anxious Individuals [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 123-138]
The Effect of Anxiety and Tasks Presentation Manner on Processing Efficiency and Performance of Components of Working Memory [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 77-98]
Relations between Alexithymia, Anxiety, Depression, Psychological Distress, and Psychological Well-being [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 17-40]
Comparison of the Asthma Disease and Healthy Subjects on Experience of Negative Emotions, Social Inhibition and its Interaction with Gender Factor [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 129-153]
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Training on Assertion, Self-efficacy Mental Heath [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 19-36]
Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training (Anger Management, Assertiveness and Relaxation) on Increasing Assertiveness and Decreasing Anger among Heart Patients, after Bypass Surgery [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 119-134]
Assignment-Process Method
The Study of Effectiveness of Assignment-Process Method in the Treatment of Mathematical Disability [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 105-127]
Asthma disease
Comparison of the Asthma Disease and Healthy Subjects on Experience of Negative Emotions, Social Inhibition and its Interaction with Gender Factor [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 129-153]
Attachment styles
The Role of Sensory Handicap in Attachment Styles and Children Behavioral Problems [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 21-46]
Autobiographical memory
Survey of Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory and Latency in Memories Retrieval in Depressive and Anxious Individuals [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 123-138]
Behavioral problems
The Role of Sensory Handicap in Attachment Styles and Children Behavioral Problems [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 21-46]
Bender-Gestalt Test
Performance of a Schizophrenic Patient Group with Negative and Positive Symptoms on Bender-Gestalt Neuropsychological Test and Correlation of Its Scores with Performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 41-59]
Birth Order
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
The Role of Sensory Handicap in Attachment Styles and Children Behavioral Problems [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 21-46]
A Comparison of Personality Dimensions, Type C and Coping Strategies in Cancer Patients and Normal Groups [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 17-39]
Cognitive therapy
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy and Study Skills Training in the Treatment of Students with Test Anxiety [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 37-60]
Communication Skills
Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on the Students' Problem Solving Styles [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 1-16]
Constructive Learning environment
The Relationship between Perception or Social Constructive Learning Environment and Thinking Styles with Deep Approach to Learning and Learning out Comes [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 139-171]
Cooperative learning
The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Self-esteem, Social Skills, and Educational Function of High-schoo. Students [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 155-182]
Coping style
A Comparison of Personality Dimensions, Type C and Coping Strategies in Cancer Patients and Normal Groups [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 17-39]
Coping styles
Academic Stressors and Reactions to Stressors: Testing the Mediating Effects of Coping Styles [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 101-122]
Coronary heart disease
Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training (Anger Management, Assertiveness and Relaxation) on Increasing Assertiveness and Decreasing Anger among Heart Patients, after Bypass Surgery [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 119-134]
Creativity in Children: The Study of Causal Model of Perceived Control, Motivational Styles, Creativity [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 41-67]
The Role of Sensory Handicap in Attachment Styles and Children Behavioral Problems [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 21-46]
Demographic Factors
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
Study of Relationship between Emotional-social Intelligence with Social Adjustment Among Students with Disciplinary Commandment and Their Comparison Students without it In Urumia University [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 99-121]
Emotional Intelligence
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Training on Assertion, Self-efficacy Mental Heath [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 19-36]
Emotional Intelligence
Study of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with Homesickness and Mental Health in University Students [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 135-151]
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy and Study Skills Training in the Treatment of Students with Test Anxiety [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 37-60]
Faced to problem marriage
Classification and Identification of the Most Important Marriage Pathologies between Couples in Isfahan [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 69-100]
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
General health
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Training on Assertion, Self-efficacy Mental Heath [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 19-36]
General health
Study of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with Homesickness and Mental Health in University Students [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 135-151]
Relationship Between Mental Health and Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religion in Kashan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 61-84]
An Investigation of the Relationship between Metacognition and Goal-Orientation [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 123-146]
Goal Orientation
Prediction of Metacognition Awareness and Academic Achievement Based on Goal Orientation [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 65-91]
Group life skills training
Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training (Anger Management, Assertiveness and Relaxation) on Increasing Assertiveness and Decreasing Anger among Heart Patients, after Bypass Surgery [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 119-134]
Hain's scoring System
Performance of a Schizophrenic Patient Group with Negative and Positive Symptoms on Bender-Gestalt Neuropsychological Test and Correlation of Its Scores with Performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 41-59]
ویژگی شخصیتی، اعتیاد،HIV. [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 1-15]
Study of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with Homesickness and Mental Health in University Students [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 135-151]
Intrinsic-extrinsic Religion
Relationship Between Mental Health and Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religion in Kashan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 61-84]
Relationship Between Mental Health and Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religion in Kashan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 61-84]
Survey of Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory and Latency in Memories Retrieval in Depressive and Anxious Individuals [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 123-138]
Learning approach
The Relationship between Perception or Social Constructive Learning Environment and Thinking Styles with Deep Approach to Learning and Learning out Comes [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 139-171]
Learning outcome
The Relationship between Perception or Social Constructive Learning Environment and Thinking Styles with Deep Approach to Learning and Learning out Comes [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 139-171]
Life satisfaction
The Relation of Life Satisfaction, Problem Solving Style and Religious Believes with General Health [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 1-19]
Life skills
Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on the Students' Problem Solving Styles [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 1-16]
Marital pathology
Classification and Identification of the Most Important Marriage Pathologies between Couples in Isfahan [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 69-100]
Mathematical disability
The Study of Effectiveness of Assignment-Process Method in the Treatment of Mathematical Disability [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 105-127]
Academic Stressors and Reactions to Stressors: Testing the Mediating Effects of Coping Styles [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 101-122]
Mental disorders
Relationship between Sense of Humor and Mental Disorders in Pre-University Students City Isfahan [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 47-64]
Mental Health
Relationship Between Mental Health and Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religion in Kashan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 61-84]
Mental Health
The Relation of Life Satisfaction, Problem Solving Style and Religious Believes with General Health [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 1-19]
Mental Health
Study of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with Homesickness and Mental Health in University Students [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 135-151]
An Investigation of the Relationship between Metacognition and Goal-Orientation [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 123-146]
Metacognitive Awareness
Prediction of Metacognition Awareness and Academic Achievement Based on Goal Orientation [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 65-91]
Motivational styles
Creativity in Children: The Study of Causal Model of Perceived Control, Motivational Styles, Creativity [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 41-67]
Negative and Positive symptoms
Performance of a Schizophrenic Patient Group with Negative and Positive Symptoms on Bender-Gestalt Neuropsychological Test and Correlation of Its Scores with Performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 41-59]
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
The Relationship of Religious Attitude and Perfectionism with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 85-103]
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
Perceived Control
Creativity in Children: The Study of Causal Model of Perceived Control, Motivational Styles, Creativity [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 41-67]
Perception of social
The Relationship between Perception or Social Constructive Learning Environment and Thinking Styles with Deep Approach to Learning and Learning out Comes [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 139-171]
The Relationship of Religious Attitude and Perfectionism with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 85-103]
Personality dimensions
A Comparison of Personality Dimensions, Type C and Coping Strategies in Cancer Patients and Normal Groups [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 17-39]
Personality traits
ویژگی شخصیتی، اعتیاد،HIV. [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 1-15]
Problem-solving Style
The Relation of Life Satisfaction, Problem Solving Style and Religious Believes with General Health [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 1-19]
Problem Solving Styles
Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on the Students' Problem Solving Styles [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 1-16]
Processing efficiency
The Effect of Anxiety and Tasks Presentation Manner on Processing Efficiency and Performance of Components of Working Memory [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 77-98]
Psychological Distress
Relations between Alexithymia, Anxiety, Depression, Psychological Distress, and Psychological Well-being [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 17-40]
Psychological Eell-being
Relations between Alexithymia, Anxiety, Depression, Psychological Distress, and Psychological Well-being [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 17-40]
Reactions to Stressors
Academic Stressors and Reactions to Stressors: Testing the Mediating Effects of Coping Styles [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 101-122]
Effectiveness of Group Life Skills Training (Anger Management, Assertiveness and Relaxation) on Increasing Assertiveness and Decreasing Anger among Heart Patients, after Bypass Surgery [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 119-134]
Religious attitude
The Relationship of Religious Attitude and Perfectionism with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 85-103]
Religious attitude
The Relation of Life Satisfaction, Problem Solving Style and Religious Believes with General Health [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 1-19]
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
Performance of a Schizophrenic Patient Group with Negative and Positive Symptoms on Bender-Gestalt Neuropsychological Test and Correlation of Its Scores with Performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 41-59]
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Training on Assertion, Self-efficacy Mental Heath [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 19-36]
The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Self-esteem, Social Skills, and Educational Function of High-schoo. Students [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 155-182]
Sense of humor
Relationship between Sense of Humor and Mental Disorders in Pre-University Students City Isfahan [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 47-64]
Sensory handicap
The Role of Sensory Handicap in Attachment Styles and Children Behavioral Problems [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 21-46]
Relationship Between Mental Health and Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religion in Kashan [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 61-84]
Socail skills
The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Self-esteem, Social Skills, and Educational Function of High-schoo. Students [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 155-182]
Social Adjustment
Study of Relationship between Emotional-social Intelligence with Social Adjustment Among Students with Disciplinary Commandment and Their Comparison Students without it In Urumia University [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 99-121]
Social Class
Relationship between Parental Educations, Family Population, Marriage Status, Age and Birth Order with Schizotypal Personality Features [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 61-75]
Social inhibition
Comparison of the Asthma Disease and Healthy Subjects on Experience of Negative Emotions, Social Inhibition and its Interaction with Gender Factor [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 129-153]
Socio-emotional Intelligence
Study of Relationship between Emotional-social Intelligence with Social Adjustment Among Students with Disciplinary Commandment and Their Comparison Students without it In Urumia University [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 99-121]
Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Academic Stressors and Reactions to Stressors: Testing the Mediating Effects of Coping Styles [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 101-122]
Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on the Students' Problem Solving Styles [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 1-16]
Study skills training
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy and Study Skills Training in the Treatment of Students with Test Anxiety [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 37-60]
Symptoms of Conduct Disorder
The Effect of Verbal Self-instruction on Symptoms in Children with Conduct Disorder [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 1-17]
Task presentation manner
The Effect of Anxiety and Tasks Presentation Manner on Processing Efficiency and Performance of Components of Working Memory [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 77-98]
Test anxiety
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy and Study Skills Training in the Treatment of Students with Test Anxiety [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 37-60]
Thinking style
The Relationship between Perception or Social Constructive Learning Environment and Thinking Styles with Deep Approach to Learning and Learning out Comes [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 139-171]
Type C
A Comparison of Personality Dimensions, Type C and Coping Strategies in Cancer Patients and Normal Groups [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2008, Pages 17-39]
University Students
Study of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with Homesickness and Mental Health in University Students [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2008, Pages 135-151]
Verbal Self-instruction
The Effect of Verbal Self-instruction on Symptoms in Children with Conduct Disorder [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 1-17]
Visuo-spatial sketch pad
The Effect of Anxiety and Tasks Presentation Manner on Processing Efficiency and Performance of Components of Working Memory [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 77-98]
Performance of a Schizophrenic Patient Group with Negative and Positive Symptoms on Bender-Gestalt Neuropsychological Test and Correlation of Its Scores with Performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 41-59]
Comparing the Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy and Study Skills Training in the Treatment of Students with Test Anxiety [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 37-60]
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