Study of Relationship between Emotional-social Intelligence with Social Adjustment Among Students with Disciplinary Commandment and Their Comparison Students without it In Urumia University

Document Type : Research Paper



The present study has been conducted to investigated emotional-social intelligence and social adjustment in students who have violated University rules (with disciplinary commandment) in Urmia University and compare with non-violating (without disciplinary commandment) students. The sample of study comprised of 53 violating and 53non-violating student. Bell social adjustment scale and BarOn Emotional Quotient-Inventory (EQ-i) were used. Findings showed significant differences in social adjustment between violating students and non-violating ones so that the mean scores of adjustment were greater in non-violating students. Non-violating students HEQ scores were statistically meaningfully greater in terms of adaptability, stress management and general mood. The relationship between emotional-social intelligence and social adjustment was significant. Finally, stepwise regression indicated that three factor of general mood, interpersonal skills, adaptability and violating have predictive power for social adjustment.
