Performance of a Schizophrenic Patient Group with Negative and Positive Symptoms on Bender-Gestalt Neuropsychological Test and Correlation of Its Scores with Performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Document Type : Research Paper



This research was performed with the aims of assessing of a schizophrenic patient group with negative and positive symptoms on the Bender-Gestalt and correlation of its scores with performance on WCST. For this purpose, 32 schizophrenic patients that were hospitalized in Razi Hospital and based on DSM-VI-TR criteria have diagnosed schizophrenic by hospital psychiatrists and psychologists were selected. The Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) were carried out, and 14 patients had negative and 18 patients had positive symptoms. Bender and WCST were administrated for the sample. Bender was scored based on Hain criteria and WCST was scored based on five scales. The means of each criteria of Bender for tow group were obtain. Results indicated perseveration, distortion, rotation and overlapping for schizophrenic with negative and perseveration, rotation, distortion and splitting for schizophrenic with positive symptoms were the first four errors. T-test results indicated that between two groups, the criteria of rotation (p<0.005) and shorting (p<0.05) have a significant difference. With other words, schizophrenic patient group with negative symptoms had more errors in these two criteria. Also, results of significant correlation testing indicated that there were significant correlation between the perseveration in Bender and perseveration in WCST and between concretization in Bender and the time of necessary for succeeds on the first category in WCST.
