Active Memory
The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies Training on Active Memory in Students [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 23-38]
The Survey Comparison of the Ability of Social Problem-Solving and its Subscales among Addicted and Non-addicted Prisoners [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 127-141]
Aggressive Students
The Investigation of the Effectiveness of Social Skill Training in Theory of Mind Improvement in Aggressive Students and the Assessment of It’s Effective Stability [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 117-143]
Anorexia Nervosa
The Effect of Group Schema Therapy on Eating Disorder,s Beliefs and Shame in Girl Adolecents with Anorexia Nervosa in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 81-98]
Memory bias in the non Clinical Anxious Individuals and Comparison with Normal Individual [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 99-116]
Meditating Role of Rumination and Worry on the Relationship between Locus of control with Depression and Anxiety [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 41-63]
Attachment styles
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 101-125]
Attention rehabilitation
Efficacy of Attention Rehabilitation in Decreasing Selective Attention and Sustained Attention Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 39-64]
Behavioral problems & children
Evaluation of Effective Maternal Characteristics in Behavioral Problems of 2-6 Years Old Children [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 89-104]
Bilateral transfer
Effect of Exercise in the Bilateral Transfer Learning of Power from Dominant Hand to Non-dominant Hand and Vice Versa [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 1-15]
Working Memory of Bilingual and Monolingual Children [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 1-22]
BIS/BAS scale
Validity and Reliability of Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems (BIS/BAS) Scales among Tabriz University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 123-139]
Cognitive regulation of emotion
The Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Conflict Resolution Styles with the Family Process and Content of High School Students in Shiraz [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 43-61]
Core belifes
The Effect of Group Schema Therapy on Eating Disorder,s Beliefs and Shame in Girl Adolecents with Anorexia Nervosa in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 81-98]
Covert memory
Memory bias in the non Clinical Anxious Individuals and Comparison with Normal Individual [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 99-116]
Death obsession
The Relationship of Religiosity Orientations and Personality Traits with Death Obsession [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 65-88]
Develop and Study of Preliminary Psychometric and Validation Characteristic of Iranian Family Psychological Function Scale. [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 145-182]
Early maladaptive schema
Relationship between Parenting style and Early Maladaptive Schema in Disconnection–Rejection and Impaired Autonomy and Performance in Young Schema Model [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 65-82]
Early trauma
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 101-125]
Emotional Intelligence
Investigating the Factor Structure of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test V 2.0 (MSCEIT) Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 21-41]
Emotion regulation strategies
A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mindfulness in Students with and Without Obsessive Believes [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 23-40]
Experiential motional intelligence
Investigating the Factor Structure of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test V 2.0 (MSCEIT) Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 21-41]
Exploratory principal components
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Inventory of Maternal Attachment in an Iranian Sample of University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 179-202]
External Context
The Effects of Internal and External Context on Free Recall and Recognition [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 63-82]
Factor structure
Investigating the Factor Structure of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test V 2.0 (MSCEIT) Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 21-41]
Develop and Study of Preliminary Psychometric and Validation Characteristic of Iranian Family Psychological Function Scale. [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 145-182]
Family content
The Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Conflict Resolution Styles with the Family Process and Content of High School Students in Shiraz [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 43-61]
Family processes
The Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Conflict Resolution Styles with the Family Process and Content of High School Students in Shiraz [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 43-61]
Female students
Compare Effectiveness Metacognitive Therapy and Problem Solving Therapy for Decrease of Girl Education Social Anxiety of Urmia City [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 83-104]
The Conformity between Handedness and Footedness among Iranian Nations [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 105-126]
Free Recall
The Effects of Internal and External Context on Free Recall and Recognition [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 63-82]
The Conformity between Handedness and Footedness among Iranian Nations [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 105-126]
The Role of Hardiness in Mediating the Mal Effects of Stress on Memory Function [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 61-80]
Help seeking strategy
The Effect of Help Seeking Strategy Training on Mathematical Problem Solving [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 127-156]
Internal Context
The Effects of Internal and External Context on Free Recall and Recognition [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 63-82]
Inventory of maternal attachment؛ Social competence
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Inventory of Maternal Attachment in an Iranian Sample of University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 179-202]
Develop and Study of Preliminary Psychometric and Validation Characteristic of Iranian Family Psychological Function Scale. [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 145-182]
Iranian nations
The Conformity between Handedness and Footedness among Iranian Nations [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 105-126]
Life satisfaction
The Role of Religious Orientation and Life Expectancy in Life Satisfaction [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 159-178]
Locus of control
Meditating Role of Rumination and Worry on the Relationship between Locus of control with Depression and Anxiety [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 41-63]
Logo therapy
he Effect of Group Logo Therapy on Depression and Marital Satisfaction of Women with Marital Conflicts [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 39-60]
Marital adaptation
The Effect of Teaching Neuro-Linguistic Programming on the Couples’ Marital Adaptation Referring to Consultation Centers of Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 141-157]
Marital adjustment
Comparison of Personality Disorders in Adjusted and Non-adjusted Couples based on SWAP-200 [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 83-99]
Marital conflict
he Effect of Group Logo Therapy on Depression and Marital Satisfaction of Women with Marital Conflicts [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 39-60]
Marital satisfaction
he Effect of Group Logo Therapy on Depression and Marital Satisfaction of Women with Marital Conflicts [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 39-60]
Math problem solving
The Effect of Help Seeking Strategy Training on Mathematical Problem Solving [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 127-156]
Memory bias
Memory bias in the non Clinical Anxious Individuals and Comparison with Normal Individual [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 99-116]
Memory Confidence
Memory Confidence in Individuals Suffered from Compulsive Obsessive State in Comparison with Normal Individuals [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 183-198]
Memory function
The Role of Hardiness in Mediating the Mal Effects of Stress on Memory Function [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 61-80]
Mental Health
Teenager’s Psychopathology and Personality Traits of Parents: An Analysis on the Role of Personality of Parents on Mental Health of Children [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Meta cognitive therapy
Compare Effectiveness Metacognitive Therapy and Problem Solving Therapy for Decrease of Girl Education Social Anxiety of Urmia City [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 83-104]
Metcognitive strategies
The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies Training on Active Memory in Students [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 23-38]
A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mindfulness in Students with and Without Obsessive Believes [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 23-40]
Working Memory of Bilingual and Monolingual Children [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Motor learning
Effect of Exercise in the Bilateral Transfer Learning of Power from Dominant Hand to Non-dominant Hand and Vice Versa [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 1-15]
Multiple Sclerosis
Efficacy of Attention Rehabilitation in Decreasing Selective Attention and Sustained Attention Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 39-64]
Narcissistic personality
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 101-125]
Neure-linguistic programming
The Effect of Teaching Neuro-Linguistic Programming on the Couples’ Marital Adaptation Referring to Consultation Centers of Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 141-157]
Obsession states
Memory Confidence in Individuals Suffered from Compulsive Obsessive State in Comparison with Normal Individuals [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 183-198]
Obsessive believes
A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mindfulness in Students with and Without Obsessive Believes [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 23-40]
Parental stress
Evaluation of Effective Maternal Characteristics in Behavioral Problems of 2-6 Years Old Children [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 89-104]
Parenting self- efficacy
Evaluation of Effective Maternal Characteristics in Behavioral Problems of 2-6 Years Old Children [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 89-104]
Parenting styles
Designing and Testing a Model of Some Antecedents and Consequences of Narcissistic Personality in Students [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 101-125]
Parenting styles
Relationship between Parenting style and Early Maladaptive Schema in Disconnection–Rejection and Impaired Autonomy and Performance in Young Schema Model [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 65-82]
Personality disorders
Comparison of Personality Disorders in Adjusted and Non-adjusted Couples based on SWAP-200 [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 83-99]
Personality traits
The Relationship of Religiosity Orientations and Personality Traits with Death Obsession [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 65-88]
Personal traits
Teenager’s Psychopathology and Personality Traits of Parents: An Analysis on the Role of Personality of Parents on Mental Health of Children [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Effect of Exercise in the Bilateral Transfer Learning of Power from Dominant Hand to Non-dominant Hand and Vice Versa [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 1-15]
Problem solving therapy
Compare Effectiveness Metacognitive Therapy and Problem Solving Therapy for Decrease of Girl Education Social Anxiety of Urmia City [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 83-104]
Psychological function
Develop and Study of Preliminary Psychometric and Validation Characteristic of Iranian Family Psychological Function Scale. [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 145-182]
Teenager’s Psychopathology and Personality Traits of Parents: An Analysis on the Role of Personality of Parents on Mental Health of Children [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 1-22]
A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mindfulness in Students with and Without Obsessive Believes [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 23-40]
The Effects of Internal and External Context on Free Recall and Recognition [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 63-82]
Religiosity orientation
The Relationship of Religiosity Orientations and Personality Traits with Death Obsession [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 65-88]
Meditating Role of Rumination and Worry on the Relationship between Locus of control with Depression and Anxiety [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 41-63]
Relationship between Parenting style and Early Maladaptive Schema in Disconnection–Rejection and Impaired Autonomy and Performance in Young Schema Model [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 65-82]
Schema therapy
The Effect of Group Schema Therapy on Eating Disorder,s Beliefs and Shame in Girl Adolecents with Anorexia Nervosa in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 81-98]
Evaluation of Effective Maternal Characteristics in Behavioral Problems of 2-6 Years Old Children [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 89-104]
Sextual cognition
Investigation of Effectiveness of Setual Education Based on behavioral-cognitive method on Sextual Intimacy, Knowledge and Self-expression of Married Woman in Mobarakeh [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 105-122]
Sextual cognitive-behavioral education
Investigation of Effectiveness of Setual Education Based on behavioral-cognitive method on Sextual Intimacy, Knowledge and Self-expression of Married Woman in Mobarakeh [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 105-122]
Sextual intimacy
Investigation of Effectiveness of Setual Education Based on behavioral-cognitive method on Sextual Intimacy, Knowledge and Self-expression of Married Woman in Mobarakeh [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 105-122]
Sextual knowledge
Investigation of Effectiveness of Setual Education Based on behavioral-cognitive method on Sextual Intimacy, Knowledge and Self-expression of Married Woman in Mobarakeh [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 105-122]
Sextual self-expression
Investigation of Effectiveness of Setual Education Based on behavioral-cognitive method on Sextual Intimacy, Knowledge and Self-expression of Married Woman in Mobarakeh [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 105-122]
The Effect of Group Schema Therapy on Eating Disorder,s Beliefs and Shame in Girl Adolecents with Anorexia Nervosa in Isfahan [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 81-98]
Social anxiety disorder
Compare Effectiveness Metacognitive Therapy and Problem Solving Therapy for Decrease of Girl Education Social Anxiety of Urmia City [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 83-104]
Social problems solving
The Survey Comparison of the Ability of Social Problem-Solving and its Subscales among Addicted and Non-addicted Prisoners [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 127-141]
Social Skill Training
The Investigation of the Effectiveness of Social Skill Training in Theory of Mind Improvement in Aggressive Students and the Assessment of It’s Effective Stability [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 117-143]
Social Support
Evaluation of Effective Maternal Characteristics in Behavioral Problems of 2-6 Years Old Children [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2012, Pages 89-104]
Strategic emotional intelligence
Investigating the Factor Structure of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test V 2.0 (MSCEIT) Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2012, Pages 21-41]
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Inventory of Maternal Attachment in an Iranian Sample of University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 179-202]
A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mindfulness in Students with and Without Obsessive Believes [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 23-40]
Theory of mind
The Investigation of the Effectiveness of Social Skill Training in Theory of Mind Improvement in Aggressive Students and the Assessment of It’s Effective Stability [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 117-143]
Develop and Study of Preliminary Psychometric and Validation Characteristic of Iranian Family Psychological Function Scale. [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2012, Pages 145-182]
Working memory
Working Memory of Bilingual and Monolingual Children [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Meditating Role of Rumination and Worry on the Relationship between Locus of control with Depression and Anxiety [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2012, Pages 41-63]
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