Author = Davood Hosseininasab
The Relationship between Sense of Coherence, Self-Compassion and Academic Well-being: the Mediating role of Emotional Self-awareness

Volume 15, Issue 60, January 2021, Pages 18-31

fatemeh mohammadi youzbashkandi; Sholeh Livarjani; Davoud Hoseini nasab

Effect of Mood Induction and Brain-behavioral Systems on Emotional Information Processing: Signal Detection Theory-based Analysis

Volume 5, Issue 20, December 2011, Pages 189-213

Mohammad ali Nazari; SAra Lotfi; Davood Hosseini Nasab

The Effectiveness of Concept Map as a Learning-teaching Strategy on Cognitive-affective Outputs of Biology Learning

Volume 2, Issue 8, December 2008, Pages 105-128

Javad MESRABADI; Davod Hosseininasab; Eskandar FATHI AZAR; Mohammad MOGHADDAM