Abdi, Ahmad
Function of Autobiographical Memory (Specificity of Episodic and Semantic Aspects) in Persons with PTSD [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 121-149]
Abdoullahi Adli Ansar, Vahideh
Impact of Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Critical Thinking Disposition in Prediction of Students’ Academic Performance at Tabriz University [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 77-98]
Aghdasi, Alinaghi
The Effect of Individual and Group Counseling Based on Reversal Theory in Decreasing Athletes Stress [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 31-49]
Akramian, Fahimeh
Function of Autobiographical Memory (Specificity of Episodic and Semantic Aspects) in Persons with PTSD [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 121-149]
Alaie, Parvaneh
Impact of Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Critical Thinking Disposition in Prediction of Students’ Academic Performance at Tabriz University [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 77-98]
Alipour, Ahmad
Relationship between Coping Strategies and Happiness among University Students [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 71-86]
Amjadi, Azam
Epidemiology of Depression and Its Relation with Demographic Properties among Marand's Women Population [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 1-20]
Asadzadeh, Hasan
The Effect of Cognitive Exhaustion and Working Memory on Cognitive Problem Solving [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 51-69]
Ashrafi Soltan Ahmadi, Hossein
Survey Study of the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job–Burn out of Intermediate School Teachers in Mahabad [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 1-29]
Azizi Nejad, Bahareh
Survey Study of the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job–Burn out of Intermediate School Teachers in Mahabad [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 1-29]
Babapour, jalil
Relationship between Coping Strategies and Happiness among University Students [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 71-86]
Babapour, Jalil
Effects of Neurofeedback on Working Memory [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 87-100]
Babapour Kheiroddin, Jalil
Comparison of Visual and Verbal Memories in Children with ADHD and Normal Children [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 1-23]
Babapour Kheiroddin, Jalil
The Role of Health Locus of Control and Causality Orientations in Predicting Self-care Behaviors among Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 25-46]
Babri, Shirin
Comparative Study of Intraperitoneal Injection of Ecstasy, Crystal, Glass and Heroine on Passive Avoidance Learning in Male Rats [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 47-67]
Badri, Rahim
The Role of Implementation of Teacher’s Various Authority Resources on Students’ Misbehaviors Rate [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 135-157]
Badri Gargari, Rahim
Predicting Mastery Goal Orientation: Contributions of Classrooms’ Perceived Goals Structures [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 1-25]
Bai, Fatemeh
The effect of Feminist Group Sex Therapy on Sexual Assessrtiveness of Educated Women [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 159-175]
Basharpoor, Sajjad
The Study of Sensory and Semantic Information Processing in People with Schizophrenia and Major Depression [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 101-123]
Bayrami, Mansour
The effect of Feminist Group Sex Therapy on Sexual Assessrtiveness of Educated Women [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 159-175]
Bayrami, Mansour
A Comparison of Personality Characteristics and Coping Strategies in Students with Record in Disciplinary Committee of University and Normal Students [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 45-62]
Besharat, Mohammad ali
Perfectionism and Anger [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 27-44]
Beyrami, Mansour
Comparison of Identity Styles and Types of Identity in Male and Female [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 21-39]
Beyrami, Mansour
Effects of Neurofeedback on Working Memory [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 87-100]
Fakhimi Hasan Zadegan, Vahideh
The Effect of Stress Inoculation Training on Stress Control and Vital Signs (Low Blood Pressure and High Blood Pressure) in Cardiac Patients under Surgical Operation [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 185-204]
Falsafi Najad, Mohammadreza
Effectiveness of Direct, Cognitive Moral Education, Value Clarification and Combinational Methods on the Moral Judgment [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 91-111]
Farahani, Mohammad naghi
The Effect of Cognitive Exhaustion and Working Memory on Cognitive Problem Solving [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 51-69]
Farid, Abolfazl
Effectiveness of Direct, Cognitive Moral Education, Value Clarification and Combinational Methods on the Moral Judgment [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 91-111]
Farzad, Valiollah
Psychometric Characteristic of Revised Moral Authority Scale [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 149-168]
Father Azar, Eskandar
Impact of Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Critical Thinking Disposition in Prediction of Students’ Academic Performance at Tabriz University [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 77-98]
Fathi, Ayatollah
Relationship between Religiosity, Socioeconomic Status with Life Satisfaction: with Mediating Mental Health Components [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 69-89]
Fathi, Ayatollah
Relationship between Attachment to Parents and Peers and Psychological Separation in Freshmen College Students [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 151-183]
Gazi Tabatabayi, Seyyedmahmood
Psychometric Characteristic of Revised Moral Authority Scale [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 149-168]
Ghalavandi, Hasan
A Study of the Relationship between Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Career Anchors with Organizational Performance Perspectives among Faculty Members of the Universities [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 113-134]
Ghamari Givi, Hossein
The Study of Sensory and Semantic Information Processing in People with Schizophrenia and Major Depression [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 101-123]
Ghanbariha, Nahid
The Impact of Peripheral and Central Information and Passage of Time on Flashbulb Memory [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 63-76]
Gharabaghi, Parizad
Comparative Study of Intraperitoneal Injection of Ecstasy, Crystal, Glass and Heroine on Passive Avoidance Learning in Male Rats [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 47-67]
Gharaie, Banafsheh
Efficacy of Problem Solving Training in Changing Coping Strategies of University Students [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 83-101]
Gholamian, Alireza
Survey Study of the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job–Burn out of Intermediate School Teachers in Mahabad [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 1-29]
Golizadeh, Zoleikha
Effects of Neurofeedback on Working Memory [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 87-100]
Haddadi Kohsar, Ali akbar
Personality Characteristics of Transsexuals [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 99-119]
Hashemi, Touraj
Epidemiology of Depression and Its Relation with Demographic Properties among Marand's Women Population [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 1-20]
Hashemi, Touraj
Relationship between Coping Strategies and Happiness among University Students [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 71-86]
Hashemi, Touraj
Comparison of Neuropsychological Functions in Non-clinical Depressive, Obsessive- compulsive Disorder with Healthy People: Miyak three Component Model of Executive Functions [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 167-198]
Hashemi, Touraj
The Effect of Stress Inoculation Training on Stress Control and Vital Signs (Low Blood Pressure and High Blood Pressure) in Cardiac Patients under Surgical Operation [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 185-204]
Hashemi, Zohreh
Comparison of Intolerance of Uncertainty, Negative Problem Orientation, Cognitive Avoidance, Positive Beliefs about Worries in Patient whit Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Control Group [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 169-187]
Hatami, Homeira
Comparative Study of Intraperitoneal Injection of Ecstasy, Crystal, Glass and Heroine on Passive Avoidance Learning in Male Rats [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 47-67]
Hatamloo Sadabadi, Manijeh
The Role of Health Locus of Control and Causality Orientations in Predicting Self-care Behaviors among Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 25-46]
Hekmati, Issa
Comparison of Visual and Verbal Memories in Children with ADHD and Normal Children [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 1-23]
Hekmati, Issa
Comparison of Neuropsychological Functions in Non-clinical Depressive, Obsessive- compulsive Disorder with Healthy People: Miyak three Component Model of Executive Functions [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 167-198]
Hosseini, Faridehsadat
Investigation of the Role of Teacher in Mathematic Academic Emotions and Students Emotion Regulation" [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 41-63]
Hosseini Asl, Fariba
Predicting Mastery Goal Orientation: Contributions of Classrooms’ Perceived Goals Structures [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 1-25]
Hosseini Nasab, Davood
Effect of Mood Induction and Brain-behavioral Systems on Emotional Information Processing: Signal Detection Theory-based Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 189-213]
Jangi Aghdam, hamid
The Comparison Loss of Insight in Mood Disorder at Admission and Discharge [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 177-193]
Kadivar, Parvin
Psychometric Characteristic of Revised Moral Authority Scale [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 149-168]
Karimi, yousef
Effectiveness of Direct, Cognitive Moral Education, Value Clarification and Combinational Methods on the Moral Judgment [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 91-111]
Keramati, Hadi
Psychometric Characteristic of Revised Moral Authority Scale [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 149-168]
Kheir, Mohammad
Investigation of the Role of Teacher in Mathematic Academic Emotions and Students Emotion Regulation" [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 41-63]
Lotfi, SAra
Effect of Mood Induction and Brain-behavioral Systems on Emotional Information Processing: Signal Detection Theory-based Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 189-213]
MahmudAliloo, Majid
The Effect of Stress Inoculation Training on Stress Control and Vital Signs (Low Blood Pressure and High Blood Pressure) in Cardiac Patients under Surgical Operation [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 185-204]
MahmudAliloo, MAjid
Comparison of Intolerance of Uncertainty, Negative Problem Orientation, Cognitive Avoidance, Positive Beliefs about Worries in Patient whit Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Control Group [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 169-187]
Mehrmand, Ahad
Survey Study of the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job–Burn out of Intermediate School Teachers in Mahabad [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 1-29]
Mesrabadi, javad
The Role of Implementation of Teacher’s Various Authority Resources on Students’ Misbehaviors Rate [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 135-157]
Michaeli Manee, Farzaneh
The Study of Ryff Psychological Well-being Scale Factorial Structure between Urmia University Students [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 143-165]
Mikaeli Manee, Farzaneh
Relationship between Hardiness, Life Satisfaction, and Hope with Academic Performance in University Students [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 125-147]
Mirnasab, Mirmahmood
A Comparison of Religious and Non-religious Coping Strategies between Gifted and Regular High School Students in Tabriz city [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 125-141]
Moghimiazar, Mohammadbagher
Epidemiology of Depression and Its Relation with Demographic Properties among Marand's Women Population [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 1-20]
Mohammadi, Khosro
Personality Characteristics of Transsexuals [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 99-119]
Molavi, Hossein
A Study of the Relationship between Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Career Anchors with Organizational Performance Perspectives among Faculty Members of the Universities [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 113-134]
Moradi, Alireza
The Effect of Cognitive Exhaustion and Working Memory on Cognitive Problem Solving [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 51-69]
Moradi, Alireza
Function of Autobiographical Memory (Specificity of Episodic and Semantic Aspects) in Persons with PTSD [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 121-149]
Nazari, Ali mohammad
The effect of Feminist Group Sex Therapy on Sexual Assessrtiveness of Educated Women [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 159-175]
Nazari, Mohammad ali
Effect of Mood Induction and Brain-behavioral Systems on Emotional Information Processing: Signal Detection Theory-based Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 189-213]
Poursharifi, Hamid
The Role of Health Locus of Control and Causality Orientations in Predicting Self-care Behaviors among Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 25-46]
Poursharifi, Hamid
Effects of Neurofeedback on Working Memory [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 87-100]
Rajaeepour, Saeed
A Study of the Relationship between Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Career Anchors with Organizational Performance Perspectives among Faculty Members of the Universities [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 113-134]
Rezaie, Akbar
The Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale:
Factorial Structure and Reliability of the Persian Version of Scale in the Students Population [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 65-82]
Rezapour, Yuosef
Relationship between Religiosity, Socioeconomic Status with Life Satisfaction: with Mediating Mental Health Components [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 69-89]
Rostami, Reza
Effects of Neurofeedback on Working Memory [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 87-100]
Saadipoor, Esmaeil
Effectiveness of Direct, Cognitive Moral Education, Value Clarification and Combinational Methods on the Moral Judgment [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 91-111]
Sadeghi, Sirus
The Comparison Loss of Insight in Mood Disorder at Admission and Discharge [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 177-193]
Sardari, Marzieh
Relationship between Religiosity, Socioeconomic Status with Life Satisfaction: with Mediating Mental Health Components [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 69-89]
Seyvani Zadeh, Majid
The Comparison Loss of Insight in Mood Disorder at Admission and Discharge [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 177-193]
Shahamat, Fatemeh
Predicting General Health Symptoms (Somatization, anxiety, depression) from Early Maladaptive Schemas [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 103-124]
Shahjooee, Taghi
Comparison of Intolerance of Uncertainty, Negative Problem Orientation, Cognitive Avoidance, Positive Beliefs about Worries in Patient whit Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Control Group [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 169-187]
Sharif, Seyyed mostafa
A Study of the Relationship between Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Career Anchors with Organizational Performance Perspectives among Faculty Members of the Universities [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 113-134]
Shiralipour, Asghar
Relationship between Religiosity, Socioeconomic Status with Life Satisfaction: with Mediating Mental Health Components [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 69-89]
Shirmohammadi, Leila
Relationship between Hardiness, Life Satisfaction, and Hope with Academic Performance in University Students [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 125-147]
Shokri, Omid
The Effect of Cognitive Exhaustion and Working Memory on Cognitive Problem Solving [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 51-69]
Soudmand, Mohsen
Comparison of Visual and Verbal Memories in Children with ADHD and Normal Children [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 1-23]
Toulabi, Saeed
The Effect of Cognitive Exhaustion and Working Memory on Cognitive Problem Solving [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 51-69]
Tousi, Fahimeh
Relationship between Coping Strategies and Happiness among University Students [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2010, Pages 71-86]
Vaezie, Seyyed ahmad
Personality Characteristics of Transsexuals [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 99-119]
Vahedi, Shahram
Relationship between Attachment to Parents and Peers and Psychological Separation in Freshmen College Students [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 151-183]
Vahedi, ُShahram
The Role of Implementation of Teacher’s Various Authority Resources on Students’ Misbehaviors Rate [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 135-157]
Yekkeyazdandost, Rokhsareh
Efficacy of Problem Solving Training in Changing Coping Strategies of University Students [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 83-101]
Yousefi, Rahim
The Comparison Loss of Insight in Mood Disorder at Admission and Discharge [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2010, Pages 177-193]
Zamani, Reza
Personality Characteristics of Transsexuals [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 99-119]
Zare, Hossein
The Impact of Peripheral and Central Information and Passage of Time on Flashbulb Memory [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2010, Pages 63-76]
Zaree, Hossein
Relationship between Hardiness, Life Satisfaction, and Hope with Academic Performance in University Students [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 125-147]
Zonozian, Saeideh
Efficacy of Problem Solving Training in Changing Coping Strategies of University Students [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2011, Pages 83-101]
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