The Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas on the Relationship Between Couples: A Meta-Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran.



Early maladaptive schemas are persistent cognitive patterns that are associated with a number of psychological problems. Research shows that these schemas can be associated with relationship problems between couples. The aim of this study was meta-analyze the researches in the field of early maladaptive schemas on the relationship between couples. A total of 47 initial researches were selected based on entry criteria from articles and dissertations in the country. The summary effect sizes of the random model by separating positive and negative indicators in the relationships between couples were obtained -0.115 and 0.214. Due to the high amount of heterogeneity, the effect sizes were analyzed separately for different schemas. In negative indicators, respectively, the largest effect sizes were seen in negativity/ pessimism, impaired Limits and general variables of early maladaptive schemas and in positive indicators, the largest effect size with general variable of early maladaptive schemas, subjugation and abandonment / instability. The largest effect size was observed on overall intimacy between couples and emotional divorce. The implications of this meta-analysis emphasize the average effects of early maladaptive schemas on various indicators in the relationship between couples.


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