Relationship Between School Bonding; Social Competence and Student Bullying through the Mediating Role of Empathy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Educational Psychology, Bu Ali Sina University of Hamadan

2 Professor, Department of Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between school bonding ; social competence and students’ bullying through the mediating role of empathy. It was conducted by a comparitive method . The study population was  male and female high school students in Buinzahra city in the academic year of 2019-2020. Using multy stage random cluster method 274 students were selected.They were assess by . The research instruments were Illinois Bullying Questionnaire (2001), Jantila et al. Social Competence Self-Report Scale (2006), Springer et al. Student Relationship Scale (2009), and Richard et al. Empathy Scale (2017). The hypothetical model of the research was tested by path analysis using Lisrel 8.50 software. Findings indicated that school bonding, social competence, and empathy had direct effect on bullying. Moreover, social competence had direct effect on empathy, and indirect effect on bullying through empathy. Besides, school bonding had no direct effect on empathy. However, the results showed that the proposed model had goodness of fit. Conseqoently , it is suggested that in designing and implementing student bullying reduction programs, in addition to teaching empathy to the students, paying attention to the development of their social competence and school bonding are considered necessary.


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