Author = Majid Mahmood Aliloo
Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Symptoms of Borderline Personality

Volume 9, Issue 36, December 2015, Pages 209-226

Touraj Hashemi; Nasim Abdollahi; Majid Mahmoodalilo; Naeimeh Mashinchi

Efficacy Evaluation of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment in Symptoms Reduction of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and a Comorbid Emotional Disorder

Volume 8, Issue 32, December 2014, Pages 41-74

Abbas Bakhshipour Roodsari; Majid Mahmood Aliloo; Alireza Farnam; Reza Abdi

Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies, Neuroticism and Extroversion in Panic Symptoms

Volume 9, Issue 34, December 2014, Pages 195-218

Toutaj Hashemi; Majid Mahmoodaliloo; Solmaz Hosseinzadeh; Naeimeh Mashinchi

Validity and Reliability of Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Systems (BIS/BAS) Scales among Tabriz University Students

Volume 7, Issue 28, December 2013, Pages 123-139

Reza Abdollahi; Reza Bakhshipour; Majid Mahmoodaliloo

Dimensional Association between Schizotypy and Empathy: Structural Link of Positive and Negative Schizotypy with Cognitive and Affective Empathy

Volume 7, Issue 26, December 2012, Pages 39-64

Zeinab Khanjani; Fatemeh Hodavandkhani; Touraj Hashemi; Majid Mahmoodaliloo; Abbas Bakhshipour

Memory Confidence in Individuals Suffered from Compulsive Obsessive State in Comparison with Normal Individuals

Volume 7, Issue 27, December 2012, Pages 183-198

Majid Mahmoodaliloo; Touraj Hashemi; hamideh Esmaeilzadeh

The Study of Theory of Mind Deficit in Schizophrenic Patients with Positive and Negative Symptom and its Comparison with Healthy People

Volume 6, Issue 22, December 2011, Pages 79-96

Majid Mahmoodaliloo; Abbas Bakhshipour; Zeinab Khanjani; Fatemeh Ranjbar

ویژگی شخصیتی، اعتیاد،HIV.

Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 1-15

Akram Arji; Abbas Bakhshipour Roudsari; Majid Mahmoud Aliloo; Bahram Samady Rad

The Psychometric Properties of the Student-life Stress Inventory in the University of Tabriz Students

Volume 4, Issue 14, December 2009, Pages 23-48

Abbas Bakhshipour; Mansour Bayrami; Majid M. Aliloo; Touraj Hashami; Khalil Esmaeelpour

Survey of Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory and Latency in Memories Retrieval in Depressive and Anxious Individuals

Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 123-138

Touraj Hashemi; Majid Mahmoud Aliloo; Mansour Bayrami; Masoumeh Esmaeeli; Akram Arji

The Study of Consumption and Abandon Duration Effect in Attention Bias in Tempting Stimulation Related Upper Opiums

Volume 4, Issue 15, December 2009, Pages 153-173

Mirtaghi Garousi Farshi; Majid Mahmood Aliloo; Kiumars Ardjomand Ghujur

The Effect of Verbal Self-instruction on Symptoms in Children with Conduct Disorder

Volume 3, Issue 11, December 2008, Pages 1-17

Ali Eghbali; Touraj Hashemi; Majid M.Aliloo

A Survey of Recalling Memories by Depressive and Manic Patients and the Normal Group

Volume 2, Issue 5, December 2007, Pages 19-33

Ezzatollah Ahmadi; Majid Mahmood Aliloo; Siavosh SheikhAlizade

Interpretation Bias in Social Phobia Disorder

Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 117-159

Reza Abdi; Behroz Birashk; Majid M.Aliloo; Aloasghar Asgharnezhad Faried

The Study of Memory and Memory Confidence in Obsessive-Compulsive Checkers and Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2007, Pages 133-145

Majid mahmoodaliloo; Mansour Beyrami; Touraj Hashemi Nosratabad; Abbas Bakhshipoor