This research makes an attempt to study the relationship between communicational conflict resolution styles and psychological well-being among university students. For this regard 420 undergraduate students (148 males and 272 females) of different disciplines were selected from Tehran University, as stratified randomly, then administered Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory II (ROCI-II) and Memorial University of Noefoundland Scale of Hamppiness (MUNSH). Data were analyzed using correlational coefficient, stepwise regression analysis independent t student test. The correlation between variables indicated significant relation between integrating and accommodating conflict resolution styles to psychological well being (p<0.01). Stepwise regression analysis defined integrating and obligingstyles as significant predictors to dependent variable (p<0.01). Results indicated people using constructive conflict resolution styles are psychologically healthy than those using non-constructive styles as well. Finally, utilising independent t student test it was revealed males and females did not have significant difference in conflict resolution styles and psychological well-being.
Babapour, J. (2007). Study of Relationship Between Communicational Conflict Resolution Styles and Psychological Well- being Among University Students. Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 1(4), 27-46.
Babapour, J. . "Study of Relationship Between Communicational Conflict Resolution Styles and Psychological Well- being Among University Students", Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 1, 4, 2007, 27-46.
Babapour, J. (2007). 'Study of Relationship Between Communicational Conflict Resolution Styles and Psychological Well- being Among University Students', Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 1(4), pp. 27-46.
J. Babapour, "Study of Relationship Between Communicational Conflict Resolution Styles and Psychological Well- being Among University Students," Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 1 4 (2007): 27-46,
Babapour, J. Study of Relationship Between Communicational Conflict Resolution Styles and Psychological Well- being Among University Students. Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 2007; 1(4): 27-46.