The Comparison of Abuse Components between Runaway and Normal Girls in Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper



The present research aimed at the comparison of abuse components between runaway and normal girls and for this reason 120 samples were selected from 3 groups of runaway girls chosen from shelters, girl’s students studying at third grade of high school and normal girls chosen from the parks and cultural centers of southern areas of Tehran (40 subjects in each group).  The sampling method for runaway and student groups was multistage random sampling and for the third group was accessible simple random sampling. They were all at age range of 14-25 with the education level of high school and under high school education. Researcher-made abuse scale (CHAQ) was administered on all three groups. The results showed that there were significant differences between runaway and normal groups in all components of abuse (including neglect, emotional abuse, physical and sexual abuse). Runaway girls scored significantly higher in all components of abuse. Therefore, considering the high levels of abuse experienced by runaway girls, using the most effective intervention methods, and also warning the families of negative effects of maltreatment on the mental health of their children will play an important role in reducing the negative effects of running away and prevent it from happening.
