This study has been conducted with the goal of investigating students' approach and avoidance argument and its relation with personality traits and cognitive styles. By using random stratified sampling 289 arts, science and law/politic students were selected. Data were collected through argumentativeness scale, NEO five factor inventories and A-E questionnaire. ANOVA analysis showed there was no significant difference among three groups. In addition, there was no correlation between cognitive styles and approaching / avoiding argument. Out of big five personality traits, extraversion and openness respectively had the most significant correlations with approaching / avoiding argument. Correlation coefficient of neuroticism and avoiding argument was 0.17. Regression analysis indicated out of studied variables only extraversion and openness could explain the variance of approaching argument. It illustrates the characteristics such as sociability and assertiveness which are prominent in extraversion and open-mindedness and being open to new experiences may affect argumentativeness.
Hashemi, S. (2011). A Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Cognitive Styles in Approaching and Avoiding Arguments. Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 6(22), 171-196.
Hashemi, S. . "A Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Cognitive Styles in Approaching and Avoiding Arguments", Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 6, 22, 2011, 171-196.
Hashemi, S. (2011). 'A Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Cognitive Styles in Approaching and Avoiding Arguments', Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 6(22), pp. 171-196.
S. Hashemi, "A Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Cognitive Styles in Approaching and Avoiding Arguments," Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 6 22 (2011): 171-196,
Hashemi, S. A Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Cognitive Styles in Approaching and Avoiding Arguments. Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 2011; 6(22): 171-196.