Comparison of the Effect of Teaching with Analogy and Cooperative Learning in Interaction with Learning Styles on Learning Outcomes and Attitude towards Science

Document Type : Research Paper



The propose of this study was to a compare the effect of teaching with analogy model and cooperative learning in interaction with learning styles  based on learning outcomes and attitude toward science course. The sample of the study consisted of four classes, 10 student in 3rd grade schools, which were selected by a random cluster method.
One of the classes was assigned to the control group, and the other three classes were assigned to the experimental ones. The control group received traditional instructional method and experimental groups received: (1) teaching with analogy model, (2) textual elaborated analogy as extracurricular, and (3) cooperative learning. Data were collected through science achievement test, attitude toward science scale, and preference learning style inventory. Results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that students thought with analogy and cooperative learning had better learning outcomes than textual elaborated analogy as extracurricular and control groups. There was not a significant deference between teaching with analogy group and cooperative learning one in terms of learning outcomes. It is important to mention that the learning styles hadnot a significant effect on learning outcomes. Also its interaction with groups did not show a significant deference on learning outcomes of the students. Results of analysis of covariance showed that there was not a significant deference between experimental and control groups on attitude toward science course. Based on the findings, it is recommended to use analogies as instructional model in science course teaching and   learning classes for better academic improvement of students.
