Comparison of the Effectiveness of Combination Therapy Based on Virtual Reality and Mindfulness with Brief Mindfulness Training on Fear Belief, Anxiety Sensitivity Among People with Panic Disorder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.



The present research aimed to compare the effectiveness of a combined treatment based on virtual reality and mindfulness with a short-term mindfulness intervention on beliefs of fear and anxiety sensitivity in individuals with panic disorder. The research method was semi-experimental, involving two experimental groups and one control group, with a pre-test, post-test, and 45-day follow-up design. The statistical population of the study included all individuals exhibiting symptoms of panic disorder who were referred to counseling centers in regions 6 and 11 of Tehran in the year 1401. The research sample consisted of 45 individuals with panic disorder selected purposefully and randomly assigned to three groups (15 individuals in each group). The treatment groups, namely the combined treatment based on virtual reality and mindfulness, and the short-term mindfulness treatment, underwent 8 sessions. Data were collected using the Greenberg Fear Beliefs Questionnaire (1989) and the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (Taylor and Cox, 1998) and analyzed using Multivariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post-hoc tests in SPSS23 software. The results indicated that both treatments had a significant impact on reducing beliefs of fear and anxiety sensitivity in the post-test and follow-up stages. However, the combined treatment based on virtual reality and mindfulness demonstrated greater effectiveness and stability in both stages (p<0.05). In conclusion, based on the findings of this study, psychologists and therapists can utilize both the combined treatment based on virtual reality and mindfulness, as well as short-term mindfulness treatment, in their psychological interventions to reduce beliefs of fear and anxiety sensitivity in individuals with panic disorder.


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