Developing a Counseling Package Based on Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Determining Its Effectiveness on the Quality of Parent-Adolescent Interaction and Adolescent Adjustment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Counseling, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Professor, Counseling Department, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.


The present study was conducted to developing a counseling package based on parent-adolescent relationship and determining its effectiveness on the quality of parent-adolescent interaction and adolescent adjustment. The research method was qualitative, phenomenological, and the research method in the quantitative part was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group and a two-month follow-up period. The statistical population of the study included adolescents in Isfahan in the academic year 2020-2021 who are studying in the second year of high school. In the qualitative part, the sample consisted of 19 teenagers who were purposefully selected and subjected to in-depth interviews. In the quantitative part, in this research 35 adolescent were selected through purposive sampling method and randomly accommodated into experimental and control groups (18 in the experimental and 17 in the control group). The mothers of the adolescent in the experimental group received the counseling package based on the parent-teenage relationship during 9 weeks in 9 sessions of 75 minutes. Pre-test was performed before the intervention and post-test was performed after the intervention. Two months later, the follow-up phase was carried out. The applied questionnaires in this study included Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire (Fine, Moreland & Schwebel, 1983) and California Individual-Social Adjustment Questionnaire (Clark et al, 1953). The results showed that the counseling package based on the parent-adolescent relationship has sufficient content validity according to experts. Also, this counseling package had an impact on the quality of parent-adolescent interaction (P<0001; Eta=0.69; F=74.01) and individual (P>0001; Eta=0.59; F=47.73) and social adjustment.


Main Subjects