The Mediating role of emotion dysregulation of reappraisal and mindfulness strategies in the relationship between metacognitive beliefs and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch

2 Assistant Professor in Psychology Group of Tehran University


The purpose of the present study is to examine the mediating role of emotion dysregulation of reappraisal and mindfulness strategies on the relationship between metacognitive beliefs and generalized anxiety symptoms. A total of 507 students from the universities in Tehran participated in the study. Participants completed the Farsi version of metacognitive beliefs questionnaire (MCQ-30), five factors mindfulness questionnaire (FFMQ), emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ), and generalized anxiety disorder questionnaire (GAD-7). The results demonstrated that there was a positive significant association between metacognitive beliefs about worry and generalized anxiety symptoms. Furthermore there was a negative significant association between metacognitive beliefs and mindfulness, also between mindfulness and generalized anxiety symptoms; however the relationship between reappraisal and metacognitive beliefs, and the relationship between reappraisal and generalized anxiety symptoms was not significant. So mindfulness was the only strategy with significant mediating role between metacognitive beliefs and generalized anxiety symptoms. Therefore, considering these emotion regulation strategies can result in better understanding of anxiety symptoms and more effective treatments.
