Brain based curriculum in preschool Review the status quo and strategies for the desired situation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd. student of tabriz university

2 Professor in Science Education, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Tabriz.

3 Faculty Member of Tabriz University

4 Member of Faculty of Shahid Madani University of Tabriz


The purpose of this study is determine the current status of pre-school curriculum, with emphasis on the content of work guide books for educators in terms of addressing the dimensions and principles of the curriculum based on the brain. Content analysis method was used to determine the different dimensions of development and learning activities as well as the principles of the brain-based curriculum. Then, The amount of attention was extracted to each of the dimensions and principles in the content of these books through categorical content analysis. The statistical sample of this study are 12 volumes of the work book of the preschool educators. To analyze the results, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The findings show that the textbooks focus on physical and verbal aspects more than other dimensions and goals, and the principles of the brain-based curriculum are not uniformly distributed. The current state of addressing the brain curriculum is not appropriate in these books, and it is suggested that the content of the tutorial guidebooks be reviewed in this period, and we need to pay more attention to the principles of physiological involvement, interpersonal experiences and the unique nature of the brain, or individual differences in learning.
