The Role of Tetrad dark-sides Personality, Emotion Seeking in the Prediction of Tendency towards High Risk Behaviors in Tabriz Youth

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. in General Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Tabriz, ,Tabriz, ,Iran

2 Ph.D Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Tabriz, ,Tabriz, Iran.


Research has shown that personality traits and excitement play a role in the tendency of young people to high-risk behaviors. The purpose of this study was to determine the Role of Tetrad dark-sides Personality, Emotion Seeking in the Prediction of Tendency towards High Risk Behaviors in Tabriz Youth. In this descriptive-correlational study, 350 young people (20-35 years old) in Tabriz were selected by targeted method and responded to the questionnaires of high-risk behaviors, quadruple dark character and Zuckerman's excitement dimensions. Multiple regression analysis showed that, in total, the dark trait of Machiavellian personality, anti-Semitism and sadism and excitement are capable of combining 34 percent of the variance of high-risk behaviors significantly. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that people of Machiavella are more likely to behave in such a way as cheating, bullying, abuse of others in personal relationships, deceit and fraud, financial crimes, immorality and lack of attention to norms, fraud and theft, lying and self-righteousness In virtual spaces, interpersonal aggression and betrayal take on interpersonal relationships and commitments. Likewise, people in the opposing community have the characteristics of abusing interpersonal relationships, theft and illegal behavior, causing physical harm to others and others, suicide. Individuals of sadism also have characteristics such as unreliability, lack of empathy, lack of honesty and antisocial tendencies. Excited people have a lot of self-awareness and, in fact, have a deep understanding of emotions, weaknesses, and strengths, their needs and tastes.


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