The mediating role of educational goals in the relationship between feelings of rejection and academic self-efficacy with academic performance

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, Payame Nour University.(Corresponding Author)

2 2. Ph.D. student, Educational Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


The aim of this study was to study the mediating role of educational goals in relation to the feeling of rejection, academic self-efficacy and academic performance.The research method was conducted with a  correlational method and path analysis.The study population included male and female students of the 11th grade in the first & third district of Ahvaz,(About 23,000 people) from whom 200 people were selected through multi-stage sampling. Data were collected through feelings of rejection (2019),academic self-efficacy questionnaire (2016), educational goals questionnaire (2016) and academic performance. In Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. Findings showed after removing the non-significant relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic performance from the proposed model, the fit of the final research model was corrected and confirmed. Findings of the direct relationship between the variables showed that the feeling of rejection has a significant negative relationship with academic performance and educational goals; and academic self-efficacy has a significant positive relationship with educational goals and thus educational goals with academic performance. Findings also showed that educational goals could play a mediating role in the relationship between feelings of rejection and academic performance. The present study suggests that in order to improve academic performance, feeling of rejection in the students should be reduced. Also, by promoting academic self-efficacy, and it could set the stage for the development of educational goals, and with serious attention to educational goals, better academic performance can be expected.


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