Leader teacher relationship with academic vitality, academic excellence and academic well-being in high school students

Document Type : Research Paper


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between variables between leadership teacher with academic vitality, academic excitement and academic well-being in students. The research method is purpose-oriented, applied in terms of survey nature and multivariate correlation. The statistical population consisted of all secondary high school students of East Azarbaijan province who were studying during the period of 1397-1398. The sample size was 382 using Cochran's formula by stratified sampling. The data were analyzed using standard instruments of educational well-being, academic vitality, leadership teacher, and academic excitement. Their validity was confirmed by two convergent and divergent validity criteria using partial least squares method and their reliability through Cronbach's alpha coefficient 95/0, 94/0, 98/0 and 98/0 were collected. Structural equation model was used for statistical test using Smart pls software as well as multiple regression analysis under software 25spss.v. used. The results of the findings showed that the teacher leadership component had a direct effect on academic well-being, academic excellence and academic vitality; predictive variables (knowledge and ability, development perspective, accountability, influence, positive environment and appreciation, cooperation and ethics) with variables There is a significant relationship between the criterion of educational well-being and the six variables of prediction (knowledge and ability, development perspective, accountability, penetration, positive and grateful environment) with the variable of emotional values. The two variables (influence and appreciation) with variables The criterion of vitality is significant


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