Abilities and Values
Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Spontaneous Self-Affirmation Measure in male students in the third grade of secondary schools in Ilam [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 161-168]
Academic Engagement
Efficacy of Combined Package of Time Perspective and Mindfulness on the Academic Resilience and Academic Engagement of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 197-208]
Academic resilience
Efficacy of Combined Package of Time Perspective and Mindfulness on the Academic Resilience and Academic Engagement of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 197-208]
Academic Satisfaction
Examining the structural model of the harm of the choosing major process on the adaptation with university and academic satisfaction of freshmen with the mediating role of psychological capital [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 267-275]
Academic Wising
The Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Academic Wising (AWS-3) [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 289-299]
Adaption with University
Examining the structural model of the harm of the choosing major process on the adaptation with university and academic satisfaction of freshmen with the mediating role of psychological capital [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 267-275]
The effectiveness of cognitive therapy based mindfulness on brain-behavioral systems and emotional regulation of opiate addicts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 221-228]
Adlerian Therapy
The Effectiveness of Adlerian Therapy on Family Resilience and Social Avoidance Divorced Women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 145-152]
The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship between Theory of Mind and Risky Decision-Making in Adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 135-142]
Developing a Counseling Package Based on Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Determining Its Effectiveness on the Quality of Parent-Adolescent Interaction and Adolescent Adjustment [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 111-121]
Affective family climate
Prediction of paranoid thoughts in two dimensions of reference idea and persecutory delusions in adolescents based on perceived parenting styles and affective family climate relationship [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 49-57]
Investigating the effect of painting therapy on alexithymia and emotional
suppression in high school students [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 205-210]
The Redecision Therapy on Reducing Marital Covert relational Aggression, changing of Communication patterns and reduction of Alexithymia among Conflicting Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 209-216]
Investigating the mediating role of hopelessness in the relationship between alexithymia, impulsivity, distress tolerance, self-criticism and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents. [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 179-188]
Ambiguity Tolerance
Comparing Effectiveness Compassion Focused Therapy & Mindfulness-Based cognitive therapy on Ambiguity Tolerance in Infertile Women [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 59-66]
Comparison of cognitive behavioral therapy based on mindfulness and forgiveness therapy on self-inhibition of anger in teenage girls with destructive mood dysregulation disorder. [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 153-160]
Anticipated regret
Latent profile analysis of the patterns of difficulties in emotion regulation and its associations with consideration of future consequences and anticipated regret [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 71-79]
Effectiveness of executive functions training on anxiety, self-efficacy and self-regulation of student athletes participating in sports olympiad [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 81-91]
The role mediating of co-rumination in relationship between self-esteem and self-compassion with anxiety in adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 11-22]
The effectiveness of storytelling on aggression, anxiety and social fear in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 295-303]
Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy on reducing anxiety in patients with migraine headaches [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 257-265]
The comparison effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety and life satisfaction in patients with diabetes [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 71-82]
Anxiety disorders
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy for Children (MCT-C) on Attentional Control and Attention bias in Children with Anxiety Disorders [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 225-232]
Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Attachment, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction of Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 245-255]
Evaluation of the Structural Model for Predicting Early Maladaptive Schemas Based on Childhood Trauma with Mediating Role of Attachment Styles in Students [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 83-92]
Attachment quality
Efficacy of Child-Centered Mindfulness Therapy on the Attachment Quality in the Divorce-Engaged Children with Difficulty in the Emotional Self-Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 213-221]
Attentional Bias Modification
The Effectiveness of Attentional Bias Modification Food-Related Stimuli and Food Craving in Dieters [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 123-133]
Attentional bias modification therapy
The effectiveness of Attentional Bias Modification Therapy with combining operant conditioning on the reduction of attentional bias in Addicts treated with methadone [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 31-39]
Attentional Control
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy for Children (MCT-C) on Attentional Control and Attention bias in Children with Anxiety Disorders [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 225-232]
Attention Bias
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy for Children (MCT-C) on Attentional Control and Attention bias in Children with Anxiety Disorders [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 225-232]
Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder
Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Training and Mind-Body Therapy on different types of attention in Children with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 25-33]
Autism spectrum disorder
Effectiveness Of Family-Centered Musical Computer Rehabilitation on Repetitive Movements of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 181-188]
Behavioral activation system
Perfectionism and Cognitive Emotion Regulation: The Mediation Role of Behavioral Activation and Inhibition [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 285-294]
Behavioral inhibition system
Perfectionism and Cognitive Emotion Regulation: The Mediation Role of Behavioral Activation and Inhibition [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 285-294]
Borderline personality disorder
Comparison of Cognitive flexibility, Impulsivity and Qualitative educational performance in College students with Borderline personality Disorder traits and normal college students. [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 43-49]
Bowen's approach
Developing a Combined Therapy Package of Bowen's Approach and Narrative Therapy Based on Family Relationships and Investigating Its Effectiveness on the Differentiation of Conflicted Couples [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 123-133]
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mutual Behavior Analysis and Emotion Regulation Training on Maladaptive Exaggeration and Moral Disruption in Adolescents with Bullying Behavior [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 71-79]
Predicting psychological compatibility based on rumination and uncertainty intolerance in cancer patients [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 115-121]
Designing a self-care model for high school students: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 23-35]
Child Abuse
Effectiveness of cognitive and affective Theory of Mind Instruction in the Improvement of Hot and Cold Empathy in children with child abuse [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 111-118]
Child-centered mindfulness therapy
Efficacy of Child-Centered Mindfulness Therapy on the Attachment Quality in the Divorce-Engaged Children with Difficulty in the Emotional Self-Regulation [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 213-221]
Choice Theory
Comparing the effectiveness of marital life enrichment training based on selection theory and Guttman's theory on women's marital satisfaction. [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 279-287]
Cognitive avoidance
The Effectiveness of Logo Therapy on Meaning of Level and Cognitive Avoidance of Female Students Exposed to High-Risk Behaviors [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 229-237]
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Comparison of efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing of emotional freedom technique and cognitive-behavioral therapy in PTSD in covid-19 [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 17-24]
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Comparison of the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on self-management in obese people [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 271-281]
Cognitive behavioral Therapy
Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and metacognitive therapy on psychological distress (stress, anxiety, and depression) in drug addicts [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 13-22]
Cognitive behavioral Therapy
Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy on reducing anxiety in patients with migraine headaches [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Cognitive emotion regulation strategies
Structural Relations of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies with Symptoms of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity, conduct, and Oppositional Defiant Disorders among Primary School Children [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 21-29]
Cognitive fusion
Comparison of the effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotion-focused therapy on cognitive fusion and sexual intimacy in married women with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 51-59]
Cognitive fusion
The mediating role of emotional cutoff between marital boredom and marital expectations and cognitive fusion in married women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 267-276]
Cognitive fusion
Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on the Cognitive Fusion and Catastrophizing the Pain in the Women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 167-176]
Cognitive narratology
The effectiveness of reprocessing based on cognitive narratology on post-traumatic cognitions in female high school students faced with physical and emotional trauma in Kermanshah [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 85-96]
Cognitive Schema
The relationship between Activated Cognitive Schemas in Sexual Context with Female Sexual satisfaction: The Mediating Role of negative mood [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 89-96]
Cognitive training
Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Training and Mind-Body Therapy on different types of attention in Children with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 25-33]
Communication patterns
The Redecision Therapy on Reducing Marital Covert relational Aggression, changing of Communication patterns and reduction of Alexithymia among Conflicting Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 209-216]
Compassion Focused Therapy
Comparing Effectiveness Compassion Focused Therapy & Mindfulness-Based cognitive therapy on Ambiguity Tolerance in Infertile Women [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 59-66]
Conflicting Couples
The Redecision Therapy on Reducing Marital Covert relational Aggression, changing of Communication patterns and reduction of Alexithymia among Conflicting Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 209-216]
Consideration of Consequences
Latent profile analysis of the patterns of difficulties in emotion regulation and its associations with consideration of future consequences and anticipated regret [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 71-79]
The role of personality traits in predicting students' academic procrastination [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 223-228]
Coronary heart disease
Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on the Emotional Self-Regulation and Compliance with Treatment Of People With Coronary Heart Disease [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 199-208]
Counseling package
Developing a Counseling Package Based on Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Determining Its Effectiveness on the Quality of Parent-Adolescent Interaction and Adolescent Adjustment [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 111-121]
The effect of sexual education on basis of religious on marital satisfaction [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 195-203]
Couples Emotional Divorce
Investigating the Impacts and Continuity of Effects of Group-Based Reality Therapy on Marital Adjustment, Emotion Differentiation, and Intimacy in Couples with Emotional Divorce [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 61-70]
Comparison of efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing of emotional freedom technique and cognitive-behavioral therapy in PTSD in covid-19 [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 17-24]
Critical Thinking
Providing a framework for designing digital educational games to promote the critical thinking of Students [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 209-216]
Curriculum based on positive education
The effectiveness of the curriculum based on education and positive education on academic motivation, academic enthusiasm and academic well-being of elementary school students [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 139-152]
Dating Violence
Psychometric Properties of the Dating Violence Questionnaire [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 129-137]
The comparison effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety and life satisfaction in patients with diabetes [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 71-82]
Dialectical behavior therapy
Effectiveness Dialectical behavior therapy techniques Training on distress tolerance and self-assertiveness in bullied-victimized male students [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 143-153]
Dialectical behavior therapy
Comparison of the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on self-management in obese people [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 271-281]
The Effectiveness of Attentional Bias Modification Food-Related Stimuli and Food Craving in Dieters [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 123-133]
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder&emsp
Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Irritability and Peer Interaction Self-Efficacy of Children with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 171-180]
Distress Tolerance
Effectiveness Dialectical behavior therapy techniques Training on distress tolerance and self-assertiveness in bullied-victimized male students [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 143-153]
Distress Tolerance
The Effectiveness of Mindful self-Compassion Training on Distress Tolerance and Emotional Inhabitation in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 23-29]
Distress Tolerance
Comparing the effectiveness of compassion-based therapy and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy on distress tolerance of women with premenstrual dysphoria [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 11-19]
Dot-probe task
The Effectiveness of Attentional Bias Modification Food-Related Stimuli and Food Craving in Dieters [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 123-133]
Early maladaptive schemas
The Effectiveness of the Schema Therapy on Rumination and Procrastination of the Students [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Early maladaptive schemas
Evaluation of the Structural Model for Predicting Early Maladaptive Schemas Based on Childhood Trauma with Mediating Role of Attachment Styles in Students [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 83-92]
Educational procrastination
The role of personality traits in predicting students' academic procrastination [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 223-228]
Emotional abuse
The mediating role of emotional dysregulation in the relationship between emotional misbehavior and symptoms of emotional disorders in adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 163-170]
Emotional ataxia
The effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on resilience, emotional ataxia and feelings of loneliness in female heads of households [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Emotional Cutoff
The mediating role of emotional cutoff between marital boredom and marital expectations and cognitive fusion in married women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 267-276]
Emotional freedom technique
Comparison of efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing of emotional freedom technique and cognitive-behavioral therapy in PTSD in covid-19 [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 17-24]
Emotional Inhabitation
The Effectiveness of Mindful self-Compassion Training on Distress Tolerance and Emotional Inhabitation in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 23-29]
Emotional Intelligence
The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship between Theory of Mind and Risky Decision-Making in Adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 135-142]
Emotional Intelligence
The effectiveness of the social competence training program on emotional intelligence, self-expression and self-efficacy of slow- learners [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 145-152]
Emotional self-regulation
Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on the Emotional Self-Regulation and Compliance with Treatment Of People With Coronary Heart Disease [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 199-208]
Emotional stimuli
Comparison of the effectiveness of emotional and neutral work memory training on rumination in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 177-184]
Emotional well-being
Effectiveness of Self-Compassion Training on Personal Attribution and Emotional Well-Being of Mothers with Exceptional Children [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Emotion Differentiation
Investigating the Impacts and Continuity of Effects of Group-Based Reality Therapy on Marital Adjustment, Emotion Differentiation, and Intimacy in Couples with Emotional Divorce [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 61-70]
Emotion dysregulation
Reflective Functioning and Social Trust: The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 277-283]
Emotion Regulation
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on aggression, emotion regulation and life expectancy of socially disadvantaged girls [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 187-194]
Emotion Regulation
Comparing the Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy and Emotion Regulation Skills on Fashion Orientation, Irrational Beliefs and Thought-Action Fusion in Women Applying for Cosmetic Surgery [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 31-39]
Emotion Regulation
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mutual Behavior Analysis and Emotion Regulation Training on Maladaptive Exaggeration and Moral Disruption in Adolescents with Bullying Behavior [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 71-79]
Emotion Regulation
The mediating role of emotional dysregulation in the relationship between emotional misbehavior and symptoms of emotional disorders in adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 163-170]
Emotion Regulation Therapy
Combined effectiveness of emotion regulation therapy and compassion therapy on experiential avoidance of women with domestic violence experience [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 217-223]
Executive functions
Effectiveness of executive functions training on anxiety, self-efficacy and self-regulation of student athletes participating in sports olympiad [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 81-91]
Executive functions
The impact of educational abuse and neglect in the executive functions of ‎second year primary school students ‎ [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 189-196]
Executive functions training
Efficacy of Executive Functions Training on the Emotional knowledge and Empathy of the Children with Low Self-Control [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 203-212]
Comparing the effectiveness of therapeutic diet combined with exercise and its combined effect with the group emotion focused therapy on night eating syndrome of obese people with binge eating disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 93-102]
Experiential Avoidance
Combined effectiveness of emotion regulation therapy and compassion therapy on experiential avoidance of women with domestic violence experience [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 217-223]
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
Comparison of efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing of emotional freedom technique and cognitive-behavioral therapy in PTSD in covid-19 [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 17-24]
Factor analysis
Psychometric Properties of the Dating Violence Questionnaire [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 129-137]
Family Conflict"
The Effectiveness of Families-and-Schools-Together Program on Family
Cohesion, Expressiveness and Conflict of First Graders’ Parents in Tabriz [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 93-102]
Family Expressiveness"
The Effectiveness of Families-and-Schools-Together Program on Family
Cohesion, Expressiveness and Conflict of First Graders’ Parents in Tabriz [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 93-102]
Family Relationships
Evaluating the effectiveness of the combination of systemic and solution-focused couple therapies on marital satisfaction and family relationships of couples [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 35-42]
Family Resilience
The Effectiveness of Adlerian Therapy on Family Resilience and Social Avoidance Divorced Women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 145-152]
Feelings of loneliness
The effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on resilience, emotional ataxia and feelings of loneliness in female heads of households [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Female supervisors
The effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on resilience, emotional ataxia and feelings of loneliness in female heads of households [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Food Craving
The Effectiveness of Attentional Bias Modification Food-Related Stimuli and Food Craving in Dieters [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 123-133]
Examining the structural model of the harm of the choosing major process on the adaptation with university and academic satisfaction of freshmen with the mediating role of psychological capital [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 267-275]
General health
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based parenting education on the general health of parents with a hyperactive child - Lack of attention [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 247-255]
Generalized anxiety disorder
The Effectiveness of Mindful self-Compassion Training on Distress Tolerance and Emotional Inhabitation in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 23-29]
Goal Orientation
The Role of Goal Orientation, Intrinsic value, organization and planning in predicting the academic performance of students of Ardabil Farhangian University [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 9-15]
Grounded theory
Designing a self-care model for high school students: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 23-35]
Group-Based Reality Therapy
Investigating the Impacts and Continuity of Effects of Group-Based Reality Therapy on Marital Adjustment, Emotion Differentiation, and Intimacy in Couples with Emotional Divorce [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 61-70]
Guttman theory
Comparing the effectiveness of marital life enrichment training based on selection theory and Guttman's theory on women's marital satisfaction. [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 279-287]
Harm of Choosing Major Process
Examining the structural model of the harm of the choosing major process on the adaptation with university and academic satisfaction of freshmen with the mediating role of psychological capital [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 267-275]
High-risk behaviors
The Effectiveness of Logo Therapy on Meaning of Level and Cognitive Avoidance of Female Students Exposed to High-Risk Behaviors [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 229-237]
High school
Designing a self-care model for high school students: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 23-35]
Model of Predicting Hope According to the Social Support and Meaning in Life with the Mediation Role of Psychological Resilience in the University Student [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 155-165]
Identity Crisis
The effectiveness of Self-compassion-based intervention on midlife identity crisis and death anxiety [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 103-110]
Insecure attachment styles
Examining the structural model of relationships between insecure attachment styles and suicidal tendency in women: Investigating the mediating role of emotion regulation strategies and interpersonal cognitive distortions [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 233-243]
Structural Relationships between Paranoid Thoughts, Rumination, Insomnia, and Negative Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 177-185]
Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy
Comparison of the effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotion-focused therapy on cognitive fusion and sexual intimacy in married women with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 51-59]
Interpersonal cognitive distortions
Examining the structural model of relationships between insecure attachment styles and suicidal tendency in women: Investigating the mediating role of emotion regulation strategies and interpersonal cognitive distortions [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 233-243]
Investigating the Impacts and Continuity of Effects of Group-Based Reality Therapy on Marital Adjustment, Emotion Differentiation, and Intimacy in Couples with Emotional Divorce [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 61-70]
Intrinsic value
The Role of Goal Orientation, Intrinsic value, organization and planning in predicting the academic performance of students of Ardabil Farhangian University [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 9-15]
Irrational beliefs
Comparing the Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy and Emotion Regulation Skills on Fashion Orientation, Irrational Beliefs and Thought-Action Fusion in Women Applying for Cosmetic Surgery [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 31-39]
Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Irritability and Peer Interaction Self-Efficacy of Children with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 171-180]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy Based on Mindfulness on the Psychological Flexibility and Resilience in the Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 211-219]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on the Cognitive Fusion and Catastrophizing the Pain in the Women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 167-176]
Key word:Couples
The effect of sexual education on basis of religious on marital satisfaction [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 195-203]
Keywords: nonsuicidal self-injury
The mediating role of emotion regulation difficulty, interpersonal problems, and self-punishment in relation to nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 283-294]
Latent profile analysis
Latent profile analysis of the patterns of difficulties in emotion regulation and its associations with consideration of future consequences and anticipated regret [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 71-79]
Learned helplessness
Efficacy of Combined Package of Time Perspective and Mindfulness on the Academic Resilience and Academic Engagement of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 197-208]
Learned helplessness
Developing a Problem Solving Training Package Based on Positive Psychology and Investigating Its Effectiveness on the Social Competence of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 189-198]
Life satisfaction
The comparison effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety and life satisfaction in patients with diabetes [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 71-82]
Life skills
Designing a Life Skills Training Package for Children and Determining Its Effectiveness on the Social Skills of Primary School Students [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Logo therapy
The Effectiveness of Logo Therapy on Meaning of Level and Cognitive Avoidance of Female Students Exposed to High-Risk Behaviors [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 229-237]
Marital adjustment
Investigating the Impacts and Continuity of Effects of Group-Based Reality Therapy on Marital Adjustment, Emotion Differentiation, and Intimacy in Couples with Emotional Divorce [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 61-70]
Marital Boredom
The mediating role of emotional cutoff between marital boredom and marital expectations and cognitive fusion in married women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 267-276]
Marital Burnout
The comparing effectiveness of emotion-focused couple therapy and cognitive behavioral couple therapy on decrease of marital burnout and depression of couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 59-70]
Marital conflict
Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Attachment, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction of Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 245-255]
Marital Conflicts
The comparison of effectiveness of emotion-focused couple therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on covert relational aggression among women with marital conflicts [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 49-60]
Marital Covert relational Aggression
The Redecision Therapy on Reducing Marital Covert relational Aggression, changing of Communication patterns and reduction of Alexithymia among Conflicting Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 209-216]
Marital Expectations
The mediating role of emotional cutoff between marital boredom and marital expectations and cognitive fusion in married women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 267-276]
Marital intimacy
Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Attachment, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction of Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 245-255]
Marital satisfaction
Evaluating the effectiveness of the combination of systemic and solution-focused couple therapies on marital satisfaction and family relationships of couples [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 35-42]
Marital satisfaction
The effect of sexual education on basis of religious on marital satisfaction [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 195-203]
Marital satisfaction
Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Attachment, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction of Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 245-255]
Marital satisfaction
Comparing the effectiveness of marital life enrichment training based on selection theory and Guttman's theory on women's marital satisfaction. [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 279-287]
Mentalization based therapy
Effectiveness of Mentalization Based Therapy on The Difficulty of Emotional Regulation and Aggression of Depressed Female Adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 169-178]
Metacognitive beliefs
Developing a structural equation model of social anxiety disorder based on the components of childhood trauma and insecure attachment style with the mediation of metacognitive beliefs [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 239-250]
Metacognitive Therapy for Children (MCT-C) Attention
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy for Children (MCT-C) on Attentional Control and Attention bias in Children with Anxiety Disorders [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 225-232]
Middle age
The effectiveness of Self-compassion-based intervention on midlife identity crisis and death anxiety [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 103-110]
Mind- Body Therapy
Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Training and Mind-Body Therapy on different types of attention in Children with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 25-33]
Efficacy of Combined Package of Time Perspective and Mindfulness on the Academic Resilience and Academic Engagement of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 197-208]
The effectiveness of the positive mindfulness training program on the cognitive regulation of emotion and the number of convulsive attacks in adolescents with pseudo-epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 41-48]
Mindful self-Compassion Training
The Effectiveness of Mindful self-Compassion Training on Distress Tolerance and Emotional Inhabitation in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 23-29]
Motivational Beliefs
The Causal Model of Self-regulated learning in Students Based on Academic Self-efficacy and Motivational Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 267-277]
Multiple Sclerosis
Model Evaluation of Psychological Distress Based on Self-Care and Psychological Resilience with the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 1-11]
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Comparison of the effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotion-focused therapy on cognitive fusion and sexual intimacy in married women with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 51-59]
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Comparison of the effectiveness of emotional and neutral work memory training on rumination in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 177-184]
The Role of Goal Orientation, Intrinsic value, organization and planning in predicting the academic performance of students of Ardabil Farhangian University [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 9-15]
Painting therapy
Investigating the effect of painting therapy on alexithymia and emotional
suppression in high school students [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 205-210]
Paranoia thoughts
Prediction of paranoid thoughts in two dimensions of reference idea and persecutory delusions in adolescents based on perceived parenting styles and affective family climate relationship [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 49-57]
Perceived parenting styles
Prediction of paranoid thoughts in two dimensions of reference idea and persecutory delusions in adolescents based on perceived parenting styles and affective family climate relationship [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 49-57]
Perfectionism and Cognitive Emotion Regulation: The Mediation Role of Behavioral Activation and Inhibition [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 285-294]
Persecutory delusions
Prediction of paranoid thoughts in two dimensions of reference idea and persecutory delusions in adolescents based on perceived parenting styles and affective family climate relationship [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 49-57]
Personal attribution
Effectiveness of Self-Compassion Training on Personal Attribution and Emotional Well-Being of Mothers with Exceptional Children [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Phonological awareness
The Effectiveness of Training Based on Reading Motivation Model on the Level of Phonological Awareness and Attitude Reading of Students with Reading Difficulties [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Physical and emotional trauma
The effectiveness of reprocessing based on cognitive narratology on post-traumatic cognitions in female high school students faced with physical and emotional trauma in Kermanshah [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 85-96]
The Role of Goal Orientation, Intrinsic value, organization and planning in predicting the academic performance of students of Ardabil Farhangian University [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 9-15]
Positive Psychology
Developing a Problem Solving Training Package Based on Positive Psychology and Investigating Its Effectiveness on the Social Competence of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 189-198]
Positivist psychotherapy
Efficacy of Positivist Psychotherapy on the Psychological Capital and Social Competence in Married Childless Women [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 119-127]
Post-traumatic cognitions
The effectiveness of reprocessing based on cognitive narratology on post-traumatic cognitions in female high school students faced with physical and emotional trauma in Kermanshah [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 85-96]
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Comparison of efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing of emotional freedom technique and cognitive-behavioral therapy in PTSD in covid-19 [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 17-24]
Pregnancy anxiety
Model of Predicting Quality of Life According to Mother's Attachment to the Fetus with the Mediation of Pregnancy Anxiety in Pregnant Women [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 251-259]
Pregnant Women
Model of Predicting Quality of Life According to Mother's Attachment to the Fetus with the Mediation of Pregnancy Anxiety in Pregnant Women [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 251-259]
Primary School Students
Designing a Life Skills Training Package for Children and Determining Its Effectiveness on the Social Skills of Primary School Students [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 257-265]
The Effectiveness of the Schema Therapy on Rumination and Procrastination of the Students [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures
The effectiveness of the positive mindfulness training program on the cognitive regulation of emotion and the number of convulsive attacks in adolescents with pseudo-epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 41-48]
Psychological capital
Efficacy of Positivist Psychotherapy on the Psychological Capital and Social Competence in Married Childless Women [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 119-127]
Psychological capital
Examining the structural model of the harm of the choosing major process on the adaptation with university and academic satisfaction of freshmen with the mediating role of psychological capital [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 267-275]
Psychological capital
The Causal Model of Self-regulated learning in Students Based on Academic Self-efficacy and Motivational Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 267-277]
Psychological Distress
Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and metacognitive therapy on psychological distress (stress, anxiety, and depression) in drug addicts [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 13-22]
Psychological Distress
Model Evaluation of Psychological Distress Based on Self-Care and Psychological Resilience with the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 1-11]
Psychological Hardiness
The effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on death anxiety and Psychological hardiness in students with emotional distress [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 153-160]
Psychological resilience
Model of Predicting Hope According to the Social Support and Meaning in Life with the Mediation Role of Psychological Resilience in the University Student [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 155-165]
Psychological resilience
Model Evaluation of Psychological Distress Based on Self-Care and Psychological Resilience with the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 1-11]
Psychometric properties
Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Spontaneous Self-Affirmation Measure in male students in the third grade of secondary schools in Ilam [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 161-168]
Quality of life
Model of Predicting Quality of Life According to Mother's Attachment to the Fetus with the Mediation of Pregnancy Anxiety in Pregnant Women [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 251-259]
Quality of sleep
Comparison of the effectiveness of well-being therapy with acceptance and commitment therapy on the quality of sleep in the elderly [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 103-112]
Reading Difficulties
The Effectiveness of Training Based on Reading Motivation Model on the Level of Phonological Awareness and Attitude Reading of Students with Reading Difficulties [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Redecision Therapy
The Redecision Therapy on Reducing Marital Covert relational Aggression, changing of Communication patterns and reduction of Alexithymia among Conflicting Couples [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 209-216]
Reference ideas
Prediction of paranoid thoughts in two dimensions of reference idea and persecutory delusions in adolescents based on perceived parenting styles and affective family climate relationship [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 49-57]
Reflective functioning
Reflective Functioning and Social Trust: The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 277-283]
The effectiveness of reprocessing based on cognitive narratology on post-traumatic cognitions in female high school students faced with physical and emotional trauma in Kermanshah [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 85-96]
Efficacy of Cognitive Therapy Based on Mindfulness on the Psychological Flexibility and Resilience in the Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 211-219]
The effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on resilience, emotional ataxia and feelings of loneliness in female heads of households [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Risky Decision-Making
The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship between Theory of Mind and Risky Decision-Making in Adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 135-142]
Comparison of the effectiveness of emotional and neutral work memory training on rumination in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 177-184]
Structural Relationships between Paranoid Thoughts, Rumination, Insomnia, and Negative Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 177-185]
Predicting psychological compatibility based on rumination and uncertainty intolerance in cancer patients [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 115-121]
The Effectiveness of the Schema Therapy on Rumination and Procrastination of the Students [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 107-114]
The structural model of social anxiety based on maladaptive perfectionism and maladaptive strategies of cognitive emotion regulation with mediator role of rumination [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 97-109]
The Effect of Training Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Rumination and Death Anxiety Amongst Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 249-256]
Schema therapy
The Effectiveness of the Schema Therapy on Rumination and Procrastination of the Students [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Schema therapy
Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Irritability and Peer Interaction Self-Efficacy of Children with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 171-180]
Scientific spirit
The effectiveness of teaching self-regulated learning strategies on academic morale and academic self-disability students [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 51-58]
The effectiveness of the positive mindfulness training program on the cognitive regulation of emotion and the number of convulsive attacks in adolescents with pseudo-epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 41-48]
Designing a self-care model for high school students: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 23-35]
Model Evaluation of Psychological Distress Based on Self-Care and Psychological Resilience with the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 1-11]
Self- Compassion
The effectiveness of Self-compassion-based intervention on midlife identity crisis and death anxiety [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 103-110]
Self-compassion training
Effectiveness of Self-Compassion Training on Personal Attribution and Emotional Well-Being of Mothers with Exceptional Children [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 1-9]
Effectiveness of Self-Differentiation Training on Empathy and Self-Control of Divorced Students with Tendency Towards High Risk Behaviors [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 75-83]
Efficacy of Executive Functions Training on the Emotional knowledge and Empathy of the Children with Low Self-Control [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 203-212]
The role of lived childhood trauma experience and self-destruction on suicidal ideation: The mediating effect of emotional suppression [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 113-121]
Effectiveness of executive functions training on anxiety, self-efficacy and self-regulation of student athletes participating in sports olympiad [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 81-91]
The effectiveness of the social competence training program on emotional intelligence, self-expression and self-efficacy of slow- learners [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 145-152]
Self-efficacy in Interaction
Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Irritability and Peer Interaction Self-Efficacy of Children with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 171-180]
The role mediating of co-rumination in relationship between self-esteem and self-compassion with anxiety in adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 11-22]
Comparison of the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on self-management in obese people [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 271-281]
Self-regulated learning
The Causal Model of Self-regulated learning in Students Based on Academic Self-efficacy and Motivational Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 267-277]
Self-Regulation Strategies
The comparison of effectiveness of self-regulation training based on SRSD model and cognitive strategies training based on Englert model (POWER) on mathematical performance of students with learning disorder [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 217-226]
Sexual Intimacy
Comparison of the effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotion-focused therapy on cognitive fusion and sexual intimacy in married women with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 51-59]
The relationship between Activated Cognitive Schemas in Sexual Context with Female Sexual satisfaction: The Mediating Role of negative mood [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 89-96]
Sexual Satisfaction
The relationship between Activated Cognitive Schemas in Sexual Context with Female Sexual satisfaction: The Mediating Role of negative mood [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 89-96]
Social anxiety
The structural model of social anxiety based on maladaptive perfectionism and maladaptive strategies of cognitive emotion regulation with mediator role of rumination [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 97-109]
Social anxiety disorder
Developing a structural equation model of social anxiety disorder based on the components of childhood trauma and insecure attachment style with the mediation of metacognitive beliefs [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 239-250]
Social Avoidance
The Effectiveness of Adlerian Therapy on Family Resilience and Social Avoidance Divorced Women [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 145-152]
Social Competence
Efficacy of Positivist Psychotherapy on the Psychological Capital and Social Competence in Married Childless Women [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 119-127]
Social Competence
The effectiveness of social cognition program based on theory of mind on social competence, cognitive processing and stereotyped behaviors in children with autism spectrum [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 81-88]
Social Competence
Developing a Problem Solving Training Package Based on Positive Psychology and Investigating Its Effectiveness on the Social Competence of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 189-198]
Social Injury
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy on aggression, emotion regulation and life expectancy of socially disadvantaged girls [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 187-194]
Social Skills
Designing a Life Skills Training Package for Children and Determining Its Effectiveness on the Social Skills of Primary School Students [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 257-265]
Social Support
Model of Predicting Hope According to the Social Support and Meaning in Life with the Mediation Role of Psychological Resilience in the University Student [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 155-165]
Social Trust
Reflective Functioning and Social Trust: The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 277-283]
Solution-Focused Method
Evaluating the effectiveness of the combination of systemic and solution-focused couple therapies on marital satisfaction and family relationships of couples [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 35-42]
Specific Learning Disability
Reducing Test Anxiety via Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy: A Intervention Study in Specific Learning Disability Area [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 239-245]
Spontaneous Self-Affirmation Measure
Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Spontaneous Self-Affirmation Measure in male students in the third grade of secondary schools in Ilam [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 161-168]
Structural Systemic Method
Evaluating the effectiveness of the combination of systemic and solution-focused couple therapies on marital satisfaction and family relationships of couples [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 35-42]
Suicidal tendency
Examining the structural model of relationships between insecure attachment styles and suicidal tendency in women: Investigating the mediating role of emotion regulation strategies and interpersonal cognitive distortions [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 233-243]
The mediating role of emotion regulation difficulty, interpersonal problems, and self-punishment in relation to nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 283-294]
Suicide idiation
The role of lived childhood trauma experience and self-destruction on suicidal ideation: The mediating effect of emotional suppression [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 113-121]
Test anxiety
Reducing Test Anxiety via Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy: A Intervention Study in Specific Learning Disability Area [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 239-245]
Theory of mind
Effectiveness of cognitive and affective Theory of Mind Instruction in the Improvement of Hot and Cold Empathy in children with child abuse [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 111-118]
Theory of mind
The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship between Theory of Mind and Risky Decision-Making in Adolescents [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 135-142]
Theory of mind
The effectiveness of social cognition program based on theory of mind on social competence, cognitive processing and stereotyped behaviors in children with autism spectrum [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 81-88]
Time perspective
Efficacy of Combined Package of Time Perspective and Mindfulness on the Academic Resilience and Academic Engagement of Students with Learned Helplessness [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 197-208]
Standardization of Psychometric Properties of Short Form of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist-Youth Self-Report (PSC-17-Y) in Iranian children and teenagers [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 167-175]
Examining the psychometric properties of the happy school scale [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 195-202]
Psychometric Properties of the Dating Violence Questionnaire [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2023, Pages 129-137]
The Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Academic Wising (AWS-3) [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2023, Pages 289-299]
Well-being therapy
Comparison of the effectiveness of well-being therapy with acceptance and commitment therapy on the quality of sleep in the elderly [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2023, Pages 103-112]
Working memory
Efficacy of Cognitive-Non Motor Rehabilitation on Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility of the Children with Disability in Reading Learning [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 123-134]
Structural Relationships between Paranoid Thoughts, Rumination, Insomnia, and Negative Emotions [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2023, Pages 177-185]
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